![]() ![]() Green tea maniac and definitely a food (and boyband) lover ;) + follow | tumblr | twitter | ask me Chingus:
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written on Saturday, February 21, 2015 @ 11:04 AM ✈
(This post was in the draft on 27 Jan but guess who's lazy to post it ><)
Back blogging all the way to 26 Jan! Celebrated Asy's 20th on Monday and it was super last minute because Tin and I actually met the day before just to discuss about this. We even went to Spatula Bakery cafe which we spent an hour finding the place because it was so ulu -.- Thought that all the time spent finding the cafe was worth it but unfortunately, it's not. Sigh, so disappointed - from the cheesecake to the waffle... Anw, the plan was to make Kimbab and Brownie for Asy so the next morning, we went to NTUC to buy the ingredients. Well, not really morning cause both Tin and I woke up late thanks to the torturous walk yesterday and both our feet ache like madddd. Quickly rushed to Tin's house and we started our mission! I've never made Kimbab before and it's been so long since I made Sushi so it was a bit messy at first HAHA.
But yay! Success!
The night before, I actually called KG CHAI CHEE KTV to book a room to celebrate Asy's birthday at 2.30pm but since we were late, we had to postpone till 4pm >< Tin asked me to meet Asy first cause she didn't know Tin will be joining us so I brisk walked all the way to the KTV and made payment before meeting her. I kindda suck at giving surprises but I'm glad my acting skills pull it off. Plus, that Asy spots thing easily for e.g she asked me why was there 3 full glasses on the table and if Tin is really coming -.- I had to crack my brain to think of something logical so I replied, "Oh, it's the previous guests uh." and quickly look away because if not I'd probably laughed and failed xP Thank goodness she kindda fall for it? Hahaha. And there came Tin, with the brownie on her hand singing Happy Birthday but in the end failed miserably as the wind puts off the fire, so being Fatin, she falls on the floor dramatically xD Typical Tin huh!
Happy birthday Chingu-ya! ^^>
I am super disappointed because there were barely any new Korean songs in the list, they were all not up to date :( It is cheap, yes, but I doubt I'm coming here again >< Still, we managed to sing some Korean songs - danced (Tin especially) and sang our lungs off, so I guess all is well? The day ended fast with me rushing off to meet my friend because she wanted to pass me Asy's present which I asked her help to buy for me in Korea. I can't believe I went all the way to Bukit Gombak just for it but oh well, for Asy's sake I will!! Haha. That day, my feet and kneecap ached really bad because all I did was walking from one place to another. Sigh, thank you feet and kneecap for bearing it with me :') 0 comment[s] | back to top |