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Recent Update :
Day 10 // At Gwanghwamun
written on Sunday, January 4, 2015 @ 9:11 AM ✈
"No limit just touch the sky"
Team B - Climax
3rd December 2014
since it started snowing on 1st December, both Asy and I had
difficulty waking up. Kalau ikutkan hati (If I were to follow my heart), I wouldn’t
want to wake up at all because it felt so nice and comfortable especially when
the comforter is so thick and the bed is so comfy I can sleep all day T^T
that day’s plan was to send Exo off to Hongkong for MAMA because they didn’t fly off to Hongkong the day before.
goodness we were on time for the guard changing ceremony at Gwanghwamun. I felt
like eating an ice cream so I bought one and eating ice cream on a crazy cold
weather sounds crazy but it was especially good at the same time :9
our tickets for the palace before watching the ceremony…
waiting for some time, the ceremony started but that’s when both my phone and
Asy’s phone decided to be an ass (especially mine). We couldn’t take a proper
video/picture because 1) Asy’s phone out of memory 2) My phone just sucks. But
sigh, at least we get to take the first part of the ceremony so I guess all is
The ceremony
lasted around 10 minutes and once it was over, we rushed for our palace visit
because it was nearing 4pm and it’s last admission is at 4 itself.
was really in awe of the palace….. It really seemed like what you see in those
traditional dramas. From the structure of the building to the detailed designs, everything
seemed so beautiful.
the snow that morning…really made the place look extra picture perfect…
Since we only had an hour to explore the palace, we were really rushing but at least we get to explore most of the places. After all the photo-taking, we went to Gwanghwamun Square and once again, took pictures with the King Sejong statue :D
There was a mini booth on "Jewels of Asean" and we decided to take a look at it plus we need some warmth since it was freezing cold out there T^T The staffs were all friendly and asked us if we wanted to take part in some easy quiz and we did! And yesss, it was VERY easy especially with their help xD So in the end, we won some badges, hotpacks and a Jewels of Asean pencil case :)
Headed to Lotte Mart for our last grocery shopping and packed our dinner before getting ready for MAMA(!!!!!)
Ran home with our box full of groceries xD
where and how do I start for MAMA?!
so many things to talk about from....
1) Jimin’s
KILL THEM ALL aka (abs) performance to
(sorry not sorry T^T)
2) B.I
rapping his mic off to
3) Bobby x B.I x
*D I E S*
4) EXO
When Black Pearl appeared, both Asy and I screamed our lungs off because IT’S EXO AND BLACK PEARL BB. Then when TELL ME WHAT IS LOVE happened, all hell broke lose. The song is already eargasm when D.O sang it himself at TLP but during MAMA, the vocal lines - Baek and Chen (missing Lu ge) sang with him too so imagine the triple eargasm we got!! PLUS, THE REST OF THE MEMBERS DANCED TO THAT SONG?!?! TELL ME WHAT IS AIR?!?!?! (but I do feel a bit empty because it feels so different without Kris…without Luhan…especially when Kai danced all by himself during the performance. Just last year, he was with Luhan…but now..)
timeline was being an emotional wreck that time because OT10 during MAMA and I
kindda got affected by it too lol. Sigh. (Okay I shall stop talking about OT10
its making me emotional ><)
drama after another in twitter about awards and such which made me felt even
ajkZvfgwaiosvh. Asy was like telling me to ignore all of them because I
actually got irritated at one point of time that I nearly burst HAHAHA. This was why I didn’t vote for anyone for this year’s MAMA >< Maybe I won’t vote
ever again hah.
initially, we planned to go to the sauna right after MAMA but it ended after
midnight so we had to give it a miss T^T Decided to start (as in 2 hours later
after slacking around) packing since our stuffs were all over the place but how
do you start when your things were this much?!
I had a hard time
packing, squeezing whatever that can fit in my luggage that it bulged out
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