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Recent Update :
Day 12 // Don't Go
written on Monday, January 19, 2015 @ 1:32 AM ✈
5th December 2014
Slept at 3am because I went to pack my luggage. We were really tempted to extend our stay here but we couldn't since we actually extended our stay beforehand so if we were to extend again, our parents will definitely go ballistic hahah. Thank goodness despite sleeping late, we woke up on time and even get to have our breakfast before going to the airport.
Goodbye 24 guesthouse :(
Took us an hour to get to Incheon Airport from Seoul Station and we still had to rush because we were the last few to check in >< (I thought we were early ><) In the end, Asy and I were separated from each other in the plane and I had to sit beside someone who had body odor + sprayed perfume all over her body T^T Found myself sleeping by the time I settled in since I barely had enough sleep the day before until I heard commotion and when I opened my eyes, everyone were standing and preparing to get out of the plane. I actually thought we've landed Singapore but it seemed impossible cause it's only been minutes since I slept lol.
We were wondering what had happened, only to find out that our plane got delayed because of some major engine problems. Initially they asked us to wait for a few minutes but then hours passed and there was still no news so all the ahjusshis were complaining and I swear it was such a scary sight to see ><
We decided to wait (and I still had time to watch Roommate haha) until there was this point of time where I couldn't stand it anymore that I went to join this small group of Singaporeans who were discussing. Thank goodness I joined them because they actually told me that since our flight got delayed here, the transit flight at Vietnam will fly off without waiting for us which means we had to stay in Ho Chi Minh for a night >< Obviously we didn't want to stay in Ho Chi Minh so we informed the staff to book a hotel here in Seoul. At first, they said they couldn't find any accommodation for us but we insisted that they could and they will so we decided to wait for them until they settled all of the passengers who still want to continue their flight to Ho Chi Minh.
The crowd got more massive at the counter and people were all shouting at the manager because they all waited for more than half of the day so of course they got frustrated. Worse, the staff kept on asking us to wait and wait, without updating us. We could actually spend that 12 hours plus of waiting for the staff to update us going to Myeongdong and Hongdae to do last minute shopping okay! Urghhh! Thank goodness for the free lunch, if not, I'll get super pissed too hah.
After spending half of the day in the airport,(from 10.15am to 8pm) the staff told us that they managed to book a hotel for us so we finally made our way out of the airport through endless immigration check points. We even got escorted by the staff, making us feel like a VIP for the night haha.
I still remember the staff who helped us go through all the hassle. He even told one of us that since he is the maknae rookie there (meaning young newbie) he had to be in charge of this hahaha. Thank you Kim Min Ki sshi! (Sadly, we didn't take any pictures with him T_T)
And we're off to the hotel which means.....another night in Seoul...for free! xD All our expenses were paid for, even our food. The hotel manager is so cute (he is an ahjusshi btw). At first, we were worried about how to communicate with him but when he spoke to us in bahasa Indonesia, we were shocked. He's really good at it and he told us that he used to study in Indonesia which explains why....
After much difficulty (cause he did not understand us at first haha) informing the hotel manager that we could not eat pork or any other meat that is not slaughtered in a halal manner, we finally bought dinner.....from the convenience store xD
The night was still young and we think that it'll be a waste if we were to stay in our room so we decided to go to Myeongdong/Hongdae but after walking to the station, we realized that we actually stayed at the other end of Seoul which means if we were to go to Myeongdong/Hongdae, it'll probably will take us about 1 hour plus and it was already 9pm -.- Feeling disappointed, we walked around our hotel premises instead even though there's nothing much to see. It was a really cold night and you could see the path were all covered in snow *_*
I really wanted to go karaoke again since I didn't had enough of last time but the noraebang seemed...creepy so we decided not to :( Went to a convenience store to buy more kimbab and Asy bought an ice cream despite the cold weather haha.
K.Oed once I reached our room since it was a long and stressful day >< The fact that I barely had enough sleep cause I didn't want to miss our flight didn't help either.....Sigh.
Labels: 2nd trip, korea, OVERDUOSEoul, seoul 0 comment[s] | back to top |