![]() ![]() Green tea maniac and definitely a food (and boyband) lover ;) + follow | tumblr | twitter | ask me Chingus:
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My 2014 in a glance
written on Monday, January 19, 2015 @ 2:35 AM ✈
Sorry it took me until (mid) New Year to post about my Korea trip, mainly because I couldn't find any motivation to blog T_T Anyway, I'm left with Day 13 aka Last day in Seoul to update but before I publish that post....
Here's what my 2014's like in a glance!
(I know it's very very late but better late than never right? xP)
I must say that 2104 has been an extremely memorable year for me - both good and bad memories. From being able to go to Seoul for the first time and celebrate my 20th birthday there is something I never thought of before, to graduating after 3 years of hardships, to having an impromptu sleepover at my retard's crib, wearing P.Ramlee's pjs, to going overseas with my Atok for the first time, to attending EXO's concert with the right company and having the best spot in the mosh pit because if not, Baekhyun wouldn't notice me and I wouldn't get to see Luhan up close, watching his The Star performance live and listening to his part in Angel, not knowing that it's my last time seeing him on stage, to my first ever photo shooting job despite me being like an awkward potato, to working at a childcare as a relief teacher which surely tested my patience taking care of those munchkins, to attending a dance class despite knowing the fact that I'm born with no groove, to going to Seoul....again after 6 months and this time, being extra lucky because 1) we won a pass to Show Champion, 2) attended Kyu's mini concert 3) experiencing the transition of the season - maple leaves > first snow..... All these good memories are definitely going to stay in my mind for as long as I can remember but not everything is full of rainbows and butterflies.... Kris's lawsuit to Luhan's withdrawal from EXO.....something I NEVER imagined in my life before ever since I started liking him. Come to think of it, his withdrawal is the worst that ever happened in 2014 because I remember myself crying extremely hard and got so sensitive whenever I heard his name (even now). But sigh, I guess we have to move on and just like what people say "Live life with no regrets" so yeah, I'll try. (though my life is full of regrets hahaha jk) Highlight of the year? Probably me going to Seoul twice. It just happened.....I guess & I'm glad it just did ;) 0 comment[s] | back to top |