![]() ![]() Green tea maniac and definitely a food (and boyband) lover ;) + follow | tumblr | twitter | ask me Chingus:
Recent Update :
Day 8 // 첫눈
written on Monday, December 29, 2014 @ 8:33 AM ✈
"When the snow falls,
Would my bruised heart get covered whitely?"
Exo - First Snow
December 2014
bed was so comfortable that I had trouble waking up so as we were lazing around,
watching the news, the weather forecast was on, indicating that it was snowing
in Busan and Jeju and when they said it was snowing in Seoul as well, we
quickly get off from our bed, looked outside and can’t believe our eyes that…
so excited, we bathed as fast as we could and went down for our breakfast
before we could go out and play with the snow!
Interior of Cafe De ete espresso decorated with loads of Kyu stuffs
Cute KyuSa :P
we planned to go Everland but by the time we reached Gangnam to board the
public bus, it was snowing HEAVILY. It’s like as if it was raining, but instead
of rain drops, it’s snow. We did not want to waste our trip to Everland only to
find out that most of the rides were closed due to the weather, so we decided
to enjoy and appreciate the snow instead! Since it’s our first time seeing snow
falling in front of our eyes, both of us were super jakuns – taking pictures and
videos of anything and everything xD
Look how heavy it was
we were done playing with the snow, we decided to drink something warm since it
was 0 deg outside so we went to KAMONG AGAIN!!! (but that Kai was nowhere to be seen -_-)
We had a hard time smiling because it was so coldddddddddd
got her favourite Café Mocha while I tried a different drink – Sweet Potato
latte and it was okay, I still prefer my Green Tea latte T^T I wanted to get
Blue lemonade but since it was cold, it’s probably better if I chose a warm
drink or else say hello to sinus ><
Went out from the cafe to take another video of the snow since it was snowing a lot heavier than earlier! Sanggup diri kat luar sorang2 eh TT
twitter and to our dismay, Running Man was at Myeongdong(!!!) You don’t know
how frustrated we felt because we were from Myeongdong in the first place
T____T Plus, the guests were Won Bin and Lee Hyunwoo okay LEE freaking HYUNWOO /sobs
real bad/
so sad and frustrated, we went back to Myeongdong to try our luck again and
have our lunch but sadly, they left :(
Had Jaw’s Tteokbokki for lunch!! I really miss it’s fried finger food, tteokbokki, well everything so when I ate it, there were fireworks everywhere in my stomach (sorry for the drama but REALLY hahahah) Foodgasm mang….
It was Asy's first time eating tteokbokki and when she had her first bite, you could totally see her face changed 360 deg like OMGWHEREHAVEYOUBEENMYDEARESTTTEOKBOKKI YOUAREHEREBYDECLAREDASMYFAVFOODINTHEWORLD. Yeap.
Why you so delicious.....
Fav tteokbokki ever
wanted to pray so we went back to MOM and while waiting for her, I went to
explore MOM since I didn’t get to explore when we first came here.
A good view of the Namsan Tower from the rooftop
Held Kyu’s “hand”
which probably have thousands of fangirl germs on it lol
Watched the re-run of A Song For You twice while waiting for Asy xD
to Edae for the last time because we miss it and it wasn’t enough shopping
Saw a cute dog while waiting for the train and it seemed so diligent *_*
There was this place where Asy bought her brother’s clothes and the ahjumma was so cute (explains why her son is cute too HAHAHA) At first, we were looking through the clothes displayed outside until the ahjusshi and the son brought us in. The ahjumma kept on speaking to us in Korean despite knowing that we could not understand and the son was like, Mum, yknow they can’t understand right hahaha. My brother wanted a panda pullover but there was a wolf pullover instead so I wanted to show the son the picture of the panda pullover on my phone but my phone decided to lag and it showed my home screen instead…with Kyuhyun’s picture. He was like, “Eh, Kyuhyun? Ahhh, you like him is it?” And I was like “Haha, yupyup *embarrassed*” He’d probably be judging me like, tskk another kpop fan xP Oh and I still can’t forget how the ahjumma asked Asy if Chanyeol or isit Xiumin is her boyfriend hahahaha. She was like, “Namja chingu?” and when Asy said no, she continued, “Ahjusshi?” HAHAHAHAH. I swear I laughed so hard when I heard that xD When Asy was busy talking to the ahjumma, the son walked behind me because he wanted to talk to his friend and I was like, err, why wasn’t he walking? Until I turn around and saw him touching my Luhan keychain and tag on my bag xD He asked me who is that, still touching and I’m like, Luhannn and he replied, “Oh Luhan, EXO?”. Yes yes.
We spend almost half an hour in the shop, trying our best to understand and figure out what the ahjumma was trying to tell us xD She kept on taking out the clothes to show it to us and Asy was like, omg, no no. Hahaha. After much consideration, we thank the family for their good service and discounts hahaha. Idk but the son reminds me of some Korean actor I seen before. Hmmmm…..
Bought a strawberry candy and I like how it's both sweet and sour :9
Passed by a shop which allows you to choose a random box for 10,000 and if your luck's good, you'd probably get a meaningful gift
After all the walking and shopping, we decided to visit Chanyeol's dad live cafe at Dangsan. It was super cold that night that I could feel my fingers frozen T^T Passed by the dark alley until we finally saw...
This is the place where Chanyeol usually jams at night with his dad, the one where he uploaded in his instagram and the place where Exo came before (!!!!) So seeing it in front of our very eyes, it seemed so unreal. Initially, we wanted to enter the live cafe but when we realised that it was actually a "bar" and most of the drinks it sells are alcoholic drinks, we were like errrr, okay better not and left after done admiring the place xD
was at Red Sun, in Myeongdong because we wanted a heavy meal since we were
super hungry, which explains why I didn’t get to take a picture of what we
ordered since once the food was served, we quickly gobbled them down. Only
managed to take a picture of the bokkumbap but it’s blur so….I’m sorry? Heh.
when we had dinner at Red Sun, there were like 2 Muslim family too? I was quite
surprised because there were many Muslims travellers because last time when I
went here, I hardly find any. They were in Myeongdong, Hongdae, Edae,
everywhere that
it’s time for another round of shopping in Myeongdong! But trust me, you really
need to go to Myeongdong for idk maybe 4 days (for me) to shop then you’ll be
Look so tempting rightttttt :Q___ (only to find out that there was a huge pig head just by the side HAHAHAHAIS Asy was like Eh sedapnye!! Nak? And I was like Kau tngk sebelah die ader ape? XD)
Saw an ahjumma making the sweet dalgona that Tao ate it in Exo's Showtime so we decided to try it and...
It tastes so good, like those sparking candy you ate. And it will melt once you put the candy in your mouth :9
I had to put on a
mask since I could feel my nose falling and my lips cracking hahah
goodness we could walk back to MOM through the underground shopping mall so we
didn’t have to worry about the last train. Headed home after midnight, packed
our stuffs because we had to check out the next day :(
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