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Hidayah Yusof, 22, Singapore
Green tea maniac and definitely a food (and boyband) lover ;)

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Recent Update :
Day 3 // Things fangirls do when in Seoul
written on Friday, December 26, 2014 @ 3:33 PM ✈

Warning: Long post ahead filled with spazzing cause it’s MBC SHOW CHAMPION AND IDOL STALKING post bb!

26 - 27 November 2014
Woke up with a swollen upper lip because of the weather tsktsk. Anw, breakfast at Crazy tteok and we had cheese ddeokbokki and it was dayyum delicious plus the waiter that served us is dayyum good looking too hehehe

Food rating: 9/10

Our spiciness level was 2 (the highest is 3) and I could feel my stomach burning already so imagine 3

Sneaky Asy "accidentally" took a pic of the waiter xD

Walked around Hongdae because I wanted to buy Kyuhyun’s At Gwanghwamun album before heading to MBC Show Champion but sadly, there aren’t any cd store there. Well, there is but all it sells are old record songs. 


Bought fried kimbab while we walked only to realize there's ham in it T^T Bye bye fried kimbab :(

Guess who's excited for MBC Show Champion? ;D

It was a long journey to Juyeop, about 1 and a half hours? But it’s okay because WE ARE ACTUALLY GOING TO ATTEND A MUSIC SHOW HERE. It all started when I happened to come across this tweet from KTO with a Show Champion link. Told Asy and we decided to enter the contest.

When it was nearing the result day, I wasn’t with Asy so she was the one who checked the result and when she called saying that we actually won the contest, I screamed with joy! I really didn’t expect us to win since it is based on luck and there will only be 100 winners but….

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Guess lady luck was really on our side this time T^T Reached Juyeop at 4.30pm ++ kst and we decided to cab there since we were not sure how long it takes from the subway to Bitmaru Building if we were to board a bus. When we told the Ahjusshi that we wanted to go to Bitmaru, he was like, “Oh, for music show?” And said that a lot of people always go there too. The ride took only a few minutes and by the time we reached, there were already a lot of kfans queuing outside the building, making me REALLY excited, seeing all different fandoms. We were late so we quickly went in and register.

It was only nearing 5pm when the sun began to sat so Asy went out to capture the breath-taking scene while I went to the toilet xP

It seemed so unreal – with all the idols passing by us, hearing their introduction when they were interviewed.

After waiting for more than 2 hours, we finally got in!

I don’t know why but I actually had goose bumps once I entered the studio. Maybe because of all the cameras, stage, fans AND Kangin, whom I actually can’t believe he was just right beside me and taking selca with the fans. The staff brought the 100 of us to a corner and thank goodness, I had a good view.

There were many rookie groups but I’m glad I know most of them and even if I didn’t, I actually enjoyed their performance. Boys Republic was there and though I am not a big fan, I’ve always like Sungwoo (he is my brother’s age but wtv) and HE IS SO GOOD LOOKING. Their new song, The Real One is addictive!! Like how I got addicted to AOA’s Like A Cat. When AOA came to perform, you can imagine how loud the fan boys chanted! I was so shocked, to hear it live and I tried my best to not laugh at them but failed. Actually, not only AOA but when all the female idols appeared, like APink, Mamamoo, Nicole and Wassup, there goes the fan chants xD It’s like as if you’re in army! Definitely a whole new world...

When VIXX came up, I was in a mess. VIXX is one of my top 7 boy bands and the fact that they performed Error, which is my fav song didn't helped at all!! THEY ARE ALL SO FREAKING HANDSOME AND TALL AND HONGBIN IS JUST O-<-< (Hongbin is my bias in case you hadn't realise) It was their special stage so they performed a re-arranged ver of Error BUT I STILL FREAKING LOVE IT. Urghhh all these VIXX feels ;AA;

My friends were all excited for me when they heard that Kyuhyun is going to perform on the day I attend the music show but a part of me didn't want to have any high hopes. So I wasn't really prepared for any of this Kyuhyun feels haha. Also, on that morning, there were tweets saying that he already did his pre-recording so I thought that he wouldn’t be there and....he has his Radio Star mc-ing to do so yeah.

When Kyu’s short music clip was showed on the screen, I was like, Nah….he won't be performing but there, stood Kyu, beside the stairs, preparing himself to go up the stage. And there was I, eyes and mouth opened so wide it can tear off anytime. I went OH MY GOD and goes craycray when I saw him on the stage. When he sang, I could feel my tears falling. (I told you I wasn't ready) HE SANG AT GWANGHWAMUN….LIVE. If this is not eargasm, then I don’t know what it is. He looked so cute and cuddly in his brown sweater, hair down. Kangin was there, pretending to be a cameraman and video-ed Kyu using his phone while he sang xD So cute I nearly fainted :(

Screamed my lungs off during results time cause Kyu’s At Gwanghwamun won! From the look on his face, I think he really didn’t expect to win cause he looked so shocked. Kangin came and brought the trophy to him and Kyu sang…again for encore. He asked Kangin to sing but when the high note came, Kangin was trying his best to make sure it doesn’t sound awful hahaha. You did great okay! xD Then there was this fan boy who shouted “Kyu!!!!” out loud with his deep voice, making all of us laugh. Kyu was surprised and gave him a hearteu with his fingers hahahah.

The show took about 2 hours but it all happened too fast that when it ended, I found myself in disbelief – like, wow, did I just attended a music show? And did I just saw and heard Kyu? It was a really good experience, looking at how things work and how difficult it is to actually film the idols. There was this staff who got scolded by his senior in the midst of filming. The senior actually slapped his head using a paper and said some words, which I think, were curses. He really looked pitiful, with his head down and hands at the front and I can’t help but to feel bad for him L Sigh, stay strong okay!

Once the show ended, we went outside and saw many fans waiting along the roadside, most probably for their idols.

Whenever a van with tinted mirrors passed by, the fans will start to prepare their dslr, all ready to take pictures of their idols in case they were in the van. Saw Boys Republic, VIXX, some rookies passed by and VIXX's Ravi actually talked to the fans that were waiting for them outside yknow?! I was like wow, if only I could understand and speak to them too haha.

There was a mini crowd at the side so being curious, I decided to take a look at what was happening and apparently, it was a mini fan meeting by a rookie group (I'll update again once I remember which group they're from) It was the group of guys that went out to buy food at a cafe earlier just now and yup, they're good looking no doubt *_* Since I was holding Asy's camera, I joined the crowd and took some pictures of them hehe (but the pics are in Asy's camera so Idk if I'm going to get the pictures or not haha)

It was freezing cold but because of you, Kyu, we joined the fans and waited for you. Sigh, the things we did there. Made friends with the Gamers aka Kyu’s fan and because Kyu didn’t appeared for so long, one of the fans kept on asking passersby if they happened to see him in the car park and one of the ahjusshi actually called us “Byuntae” aka pervert -___________- Wts, RUDE. Waited for almost 2 hours but to no avail, the security guard told us that all of the idols left already. HOW COULD YOU KYU. Are you a ninja or something?

It was already late so we shared a cab with this 2 Japanese and Taiwan Kyu fans. I can't believe I actually jay walked here -.- Because jay-walking is the last thing I do but since there were barely any cars that night T^T 

They were shocked when we told them we wanted to go SM building late at night xD But when we told them we wanted to find EXO, they were like, Oh ya, EXO usually leave the building at night so alright and be safe! Hahaha.

Apparently, we got lost on our way to SM. I was not familiar with the area that the taxi driver stopped us at and when we asked the security guard where Apgujeong Rodeo is, he told us that it is not here and that you have to take a cab, 45 mins ride -.- Walked to and fro the long streets and we decided to take a break at Toms N Toms for wifi. Sadly, the wifi in Toms N Toms was not working so in the end, we had to ask the cashier guy. It was one funny conversation because he couldn’t understand English, so I was like cracking my brain to create a full sentence and when he finally understood, he began to draw a “dummy” map for us on the menu xD

Thanks to him, we found our way to SM building and that’s when all the buildings around the area seemed so familiar to me lol.

Unfortunately, when we went to SM, there were only 3 fans outside? The last time I went, there were LOADS of fans waiting…..for EXO. So from there, I knew that EXO or other SM artist were not in the building. But one shouldn’t give up easily so we waited until we saw Changmin with his manager and that’s when the 3 fans approached and took picture of him. Few hours later, a group of boys left SM, with their masks on. Probably SM Rookies lol.

Left SM for a while to go JYP because there were fans waiting outside the building and we wanted free wifi from Dunkin Donuts :P 

We were hungry by then from all the waiting and it was very cold since it’s already past midnight so we went to eat ramyeon at some convenience store.

The guy at the cashier was VERY friendly (too friendly it scares me), with his bright cheerful greetings. At first, he seemed okay, talking to us and we didn’t mind talking to him cause who knows he was bored or something. But when he started to praise me saying “Hey, you’re very pretty and I like your smile”, “Do you have a boyfriend?” creeps the hella me out -.- I was like, “Errr, thanks?” and continued to look for the ramyeon with Asy. He talked about EXO and Rain saying that Rain is more popular in Korea and told me that one of his friends organize concerts in Korea. At first, I was like, “Wow, that’s cool” but then he said, “If you want, I can tell you when is the concert. So give me your Kakao ID. NOW.” I went O________O That was sucha smooth way to ask for my number and I didn’t even realise that he actually asked for it. I should’ve said that I have a boyfriend when he asked me initially. Tsk.
Obviously I said “No” and he’s like, “Oh okay”……./roll eyes/ The only place we could eat the ramyeon was in the store itself so, feeling awkward, I told Asy that we should eat our ramyeon quickly >< He kept on talking to us with his “Hey Singaporean” but thank goodness there were customers so he was not able talk to us often. Didn’t get to enjoy my ramyeon cause I wanted to leave the place badly lol.

Got bored cause there weren’t any artist at JYP, or SM so we wandered around Apgujeong Rodeo aimlessly. Plus, we could not go back to our apartment since we missed the last train.

Taught Asy how to read Hangul to kill time since it was still early so we went around reading the signboards on e v e r y building xD

The first sign she read! xD

It was crazy cold outside so we went to Toms N Toms again to rest and enjoy the warmth….and wifi.

Amazed by this mini television cum buzzer

Board the first train and we were like a zombie by then. Reached our apartment by 8am and holla bed! (before we start our day…in 4 hours time)

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