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The day I swallowed too much salt water
written on Thursday, October 30, 2014 @ 2:02 PM ✈
Guess who's no longer an Adventure Cove virgin?!
ME!!! =D
Supposed to meet Diana at 10am on Tuesday but as always, we were late so we met half an hour later and had breakfast at MacD since we were superrrrr hungry. I've never walk to Sentosa before so when Diana suggested that we should walk, I really felt like a tourist that day xD It was a bright sunny day which explains why we had difficulty smiling properly with our eyes wide open :P
Sentosa never look so beautiful before! For once, I feel so proud to be a Singaporean haha. Walked a tad further, passing by S.E.A Aquarium and tadah! We've finally reached our destination!
Changed into our swimming wear and off to have some a lot of fun! The first ride we went to was what it seems like a roller coaster ride just that there's water and it was FREAKING AWESOME!!! You know how sucker I am for roller coaster right xD Still, I can't help but to feel super nervous as the conveyor belt brought us up with our float. Screamed our lungs off but I had no regrets!! No wonder there's so many people queuing for this ride since it was really worth it! We rode it thrice (the last ride had a super long queue but we wanted to ride it again so we joined the queue :P) and during our second time, we had the most epic fall ever! xD The float capsized and Diana was literally under the float while I was under her -.- Our legs were all tangled up together and my knee hit the ground I really felt I was going to drown hahaha. And apparently, the queue for the ride was long too so I bet those who were there witnessed our epic fall T^T Oh yes, among them, my colleague was there too and crap.....I wonder how his reaction would be like T^T
There weren't many rides at Adventure Cove though, to our dismay, which is why we spent a lot of time at the "roller coaster" ride (not that the other rides were no fun but it was so short) We did try the others, like Lazy pool, Tidal Wave (?) and Rainbow Reef aka snorkeling. Unfortunately, when we queued for the snorkeling, it rained, so we decided to walk around Sentosa (with our wet clothes) while waiting for the rain to stop (and took more pictures)


Time for snorkeling!! It was my first time and I was extremely nervous because of 1) the fishes 2) the fear of swallowing salt water ㅠㅠ The person was kindda pissed that me and Diana kept on hesitating to get into the water hahahaha. He's like, "I thought you guys are okay already? Aren't you the first one to put the googles?" "What are you doing? Go in nowwww" In the end, Diana didn't went in cause her feet got hurt so left me all alone exploring the sea. Tbh, I was struggling xD I swallowed too much salt water and my eyes stink like cray D: There was this time I had to call for the lifeguard cause salt water overdose and Diana told me that when I stand on the stone, I looked like a lost child - wondering where I am hahaha. Had to go one big round and I struggled all the way but I told myself to breathe calmly and thankfully, I managed to finish the course safely xD
Nonetheless, despite all the struggles, it was such a great experience that I would consider trying again haha. The fishes are so pretty and thank god they didn't bite my feet or I'll freak out lol.
It was 3.45pm by then and since we still have one more activity to do before the day ends, we decided to call it a day at Adventure Cove. But before that........more pictures! =D
Took the monorail to our next destination for LUGE!!! Bought the tickets at $7.50 (each) cause Diana has a work pass which entitled us to a half price ;) and then we're off to ride the skyline.
Initially, I thought that the skyline be like Everland's but I was wrong.....
It is as high as the trees and the cable cars that both me and Diana sat there frozen. My hands were shaking while taking the pictures so /pats self/ for being able to take them.
What's worse is that there's nobody in front and behind us which makes us feel more.....unsafe.
Excuse our faces HAHAHA
But the view is simply
After the long and nerve-wrecking ride, we finally reached Luge! (Initially, I thought Luge was some kind of food hahaha and Diana was like wts)
It's been so long since I played go-kart and the last was at Escape Theme Park which was like 6 years plus ago?? O_o We went for the Dragon trail which supposedly is the longest trail but sadly, it happened so fast and when we reached the end, I was like, Eh? We're done already? :(
After the super fast and kindda disappointing go-kart ride (thank goodness we only paid $7.50, imagine those who paid $15 for it ><), we decided to walk along the beach before we leave Sentosa. It drizzled when we were at Adventure Cove but then, the sun was scorching in the afternoon and I think I got a sunburn on my nose and cheeks it hurts real bad >< Diana wanted to find the suspending bridge and I thought it was all the way at the end of the beach so we walked but apparently, it's not HAHAHA. Excuse my poor sense of direction xP
It was getting late by then and we were very hungry so we head back to ViVo to meet Diana's mum to have our dinner together.
It was a long but fulfilling day that I actually fall sick when I reached home, where my back ache and had a terrible sore throat :P Slept all the way till today aka sleep coma (in Bernice's term) cause I ate medicine but now, I'm fit as a fiddle! Hehe.
The day I swallowed too much salt water
written on Thursday, October 30, 2014 @ 2:02 PM ✈
Guess who's no longer an Adventure Cove virgin?!
ME!!! =D
Supposed to meet Diana at 10am on Tuesday but as always, we were late so we met half an hour later and had breakfast at MacD since we were superrrrr hungry. I've never walk to Sentosa before so when Diana suggested that we should walk, I really felt like a tourist that day xD It was a bright sunny day which explains why we had difficulty smiling properly with our eyes wide open :P
Sentosa never look so beautiful before! For once, I feel so proud to be a Singaporean haha. Walked a tad further, passing by S.E.A Aquarium and tadah! We've finally reached our destination!
Changed into our swimming wear and off to have some a lot of fun! The first ride we went to was what it seems like a roller coaster ride just that there's water and it was FREAKING AWESOME!!! You know how sucker I am for roller coaster right xD Still, I can't help but to feel super nervous as the conveyor belt brought us up with our float. Screamed our lungs off but I had no regrets!! No wonder there's so many people queuing for this ride since it was really worth it! We rode it thrice (the last ride had a super long queue but we wanted to ride it again so we joined the queue :P) and during our second time, we had the most epic fall ever! xD The float capsized and Diana was literally under the float while I was under her -.- Our legs were all tangled up together and my knee hit the ground I really felt I was going to drown hahaha. And apparently, the queue for the ride was long too so I bet those who were there witnessed our epic fall T^T Oh yes, among them, my colleague was there too and crap.....I wonder how his reaction would be like T^T
There weren't many rides at Adventure Cove though, to our dismay, which is why we spent a lot of time at the "roller coaster" ride (not that the other rides were no fun but it was so short) We did try the others, like Lazy pool, Tidal Wave (?) and Rainbow Reef aka snorkeling. Unfortunately, when we queued for the snorkeling, it rained, so we decided to walk around Sentosa (with our wet clothes) while waiting for the rain to stop (and took more pictures)


Time for snorkeling!! It was my first time and I was extremely nervous because of 1) the fishes 2) the fear of swallowing salt water ㅠㅠ The person was kindda pissed that me and Diana kept on hesitating to get into the water hahahaha. He's like, "I thought you guys are okay already? Aren't you the first one to put the googles?" "What are you doing? Go in nowwww" In the end, Diana didn't went in cause her feet got hurt so left me all alone exploring the sea. Tbh, I was struggling xD I swallowed too much salt water and my eyes stink like cray D: There was this time I had to call for the lifeguard cause salt water overdose and Diana told me that when I stand on the stone, I looked like a lost child - wondering where I am hahaha. Had to go one big round and I struggled all the way but I told myself to breathe calmly and thankfully, I managed to finish the course safely xD
Nonetheless, despite all the struggles, it was such a great experience that I would consider trying again haha. The fishes are so pretty and thank god they didn't bite my feet or I'll freak out lol.
It was 3.45pm by then and since we still have one more activity to do before the day ends, we decided to call it a day at Adventure Cove. But before that........more pictures! =D
Took the monorail to our next destination for LUGE!!! Bought the tickets at $7.50 (each) cause Diana has a work pass which entitled us to a half price ;) and then we're off to ride the skyline.
Initially, I thought that the skyline be like Everland's but I was wrong.....
It is as high as the trees and the cable cars that both me and Diana sat there frozen. My hands were shaking while taking the pictures so /pats self/ for being able to take them.
What's worse is that there's nobody in front and behind us which makes us feel more.....unsafe.
Excuse our faces HAHAHA
But the view is simply
After the long and nerve-wrecking ride, we finally reached Luge! (Initially, I thought Luge was some kind of food hahaha and Diana was like wts)
It's been so long since I played go-kart and the last was at Escape Theme Park which was like 6 years plus ago?? O_o We went for the Dragon trail which supposedly is the longest trail but sadly, it happened so fast and when we reached the end, I was like, Eh? We're done already? :(
After the super fast and kindda disappointing go-kart ride (thank goodness we only paid $7.50, imagine those who paid $15 for it ><), we decided to walk along the beach before we leave Sentosa. It drizzled when we were at Adventure Cove but then, the sun was scorching in the afternoon and I think I got a sunburn on my nose and cheeks it hurts real bad >< Diana wanted to find the suspending bridge and I thought it was all the way at the end of the beach so we walked but apparently, it's not HAHAHA. Excuse my poor sense of direction xP
It was getting late by then and we were very hungry so we head back to ViVo to meet Diana's mum to have our dinner together.
It was a long but fulfilling day that I actually fall sick when I reached home, where my back ache and had a terrible sore throat :P Slept all the way till today aka sleep coma (in Bernice's term) cause I ate medicine but now, I'm fit as a fiddle! Hehe.
my sunshines
exo | bangtan | super junior | beast
{got7, day6, ikon, winner, vixx}
my sunshine
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