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Day 6 - New experience every day (Part 2)
written on Sunday, July 6, 2014 @ 8:46 AM ✈
Headed down to Gwanghwamun Square where EXO used to film their Showtime ㅋㅋㅋㅋ (Sorry for all the EXO referring-post heh)
And we finally saw the infamous King Sejong's statue!
As well as his loyal errr, bodyguard or is it knight?
So in love with the view
Followed the crowd and walked over to the Gwanghwamun gates and tadah!
What impresses me the most is the breath taking view! With mountains surrounding the area, it seems so surreal I'm in awe! Initially, we wanted to go in the palace but the ticketing queue was super long and since we have other plans after this, we decided to give it a miss (next time I'll come back I promise!) So we wandered around the gates, laughing at people taking funny photos of themselves and took more selfie!
Loving the painted ceiling above
Our jump shots outside the Gwanghwamun gates! There were really a lot of people during that time but we buat muka tembok and took not one but a few shots since not all the shots are perfect >< (but I'm just going to post the nice ones :P)
I look disturbing long here, like an X chromosome ><
After a few good shots, we went to the King Sejong Historical Museum known as The Story of King Sejong where it's all about how he discovered the Hangul characters and such. (More pictures will be uploaded later so stay tuned)
Saw this wonderful display of calligraphy which we then tried out and it was funnnn!!
A few of the calligraphy that caught our eyes
The staff there was friendly and at first, he didn't know what language to speak to us but when we spoke English, he was quite delighted that we knew how to speak English and from there, we were able to communicate easily (He uses simple Konglish though hahaha cute). Did the calligraphy and he was actually impressed when he found out that we knew how to write Hangul and kept on saying, Whoa, nice nice! Hehe thanks I guess?
We were all so hungry by then so we decided to leave the museum and hunt for food! Dinner was at Noryangjin fish market where it's all seafood and since I loveeeeeee seafood, I was looking forward to it ;) Oh and my brother kept on bugging me on whatsapp asking me to send pictures of their wet market which explains why I took some random photos here. Tsk you bugger.
And more sashimis I'm in love~~
It was such a great experience here at the fish market, one you'll never get to experience in Singapore! There were so many stores along the aisle and we had a hard time deciding where to purchase our seafood. Besides that, owners of the stores were all shouting and asking people to come over, scaring us all xD In the end, we settled at one store and decide on what to buy. Again, there's a variety of seafood to choose - from sea urchins to lobsters or to those you've never seen before! Decided to buy a crab and sashimi and the owner brought our purchases up to the restaurant to cook it for us. Fortunately, we managed to get a table in the restaurant by the time it was packed with people since it was already dinner time. And because of the massive amount of customers coming in and out of the restaurant, their service was rather slow and bad >< Initially, we ordered a seafood stew but in the end, we had to cancel it after waiting for a few hours as we have to catch the last train. Sad...
We had to sit on the floor and god knows how pain my legs were that I had to stretch 'em out under the table ><
After waiting for some time, our steamed crab finally arrived!
See that light brown sauce on the right there? It tasted so divine I spammed it with my crab :'9
Sweet steamed crab that makes my tummy happy :D
Dear sashimi, why are you so tasty...
Even though we were disappointed with their slow service and expensive dinner, we can't deny that we had a good dinner. Rushed to the subway station and luckily we were on time!!
Apparently, the seafood we had earlier on wasn't enough so we bought kimchi, ramen, banana milk and some snacks at a convenient store near our apartment (oh and the cashier guy was dayyum good looking man dang it we're so gonna go there again)
So much for wanting to lose weight in Korea huh! But its okay, all the fats in the thigh, everywhere, will burn soon thanks to the never ending long walks and flight of stairs xD
It has been a very long day - from hiking to going to the fish market and despite feeling so exhausted from all the travelling, we felt happy that the day was spend well. My knees and feet hurt due to hiking with that Superga shoe but it's all worth it! ;)
Labels: gradtrip14, imissyouseoul, korea, opparwanderseoul, seoul, tb 0 comment[s] | back to top |