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Day 6 - New experience every day (Part 1)
written on Sunday, July 6, 2014 @ 5:40 AM ✈
Day 6 itinerary
3 May 2014
/Pats ourselves for waking up earlier than usual heh/ It was a very long journey from Hongdae to the location for our hiking so we bought snacks to eat in the train for our breakfast! Apparently, there were alot of ahjummas and ahjusshis in the subway with their hiking gear and such for their afternoon hike, making us feel like losers as we weren't properly attired compared to them >< Once we reached the station, we were rather clueless but being smartass, we followed whoever's in their hiking gear hahahah
So we followed them hehe
After those long walks, we saw the signage!! (but its not the entrance of the mountain ><)
Pretty lanterns surrounding the pathway
Massive flooding of photos of the nature kekeke
The start of our journey. Tbh, we didn't know where to start so we just followed our instincts haha
Took a break cause we're all exhausted HAHA
and there's me drinking water cause lackofexercise
the journey continues
One of the steep trail that we encounter
TIRED GALS. While we were suffering, them ahjummas and ahjusshis saying hello at us while happily going up and down the mountain. TSK show off. hahaha jkjk
Another challenging trail. Thank god I brought along an umbrella with me which serves as a hiking stick and Gina apparently found this long tree stick HAHAHAHA so all three of us held onto each other hands Liling - Me - Gina. LMAO
Can you see the building?!
We actually got lost and end up going in circle to find the peak. Saw a huge rock but didn't thought that it is the peak until we heard some music and chatters and apparently, ahjusshis.
Both of my friends didn't dare to climb up the rocks so I tried and it was SCARY (but I love it hehe)
That's the stick and umbrella I'm talking about HAHAHAHA
While we were all busy discussing if it was actually the peak and how to get up there, there's this ahjusshi who was looking at us, talking to us in korean and we're all like, errr???? until we realized that he was talking about how beautiful the peak is and that we should go up. Our reaction were like, HUH?! HOW?! HELP? and without hesitation, he grabbed my hands and pulled me up, so I'm like literally dragging Liling and Gina up as well. THAT MOMENT WAS THE SCARIEST FOR ME. Cause I'm LITERALLY walking upwards a freaking rock in my freaking Superga shoe!! He walked so easily you might think that he was walking on the ground. But anw, thanks to the ahjusshi, we FINALLY reached the peak and managed to witness this beautiful scene that can't be seen in Singapore :')
Late lunch and its all thanks to my mum's sambal ikan bilis xD love ya mum!
So mum, your sambal ikan bilis went hiking with me too hahah
Some brave ahjusshi standing at the tip of the peak HOW
Another going down the stone as if it was stairs
Reached the peak (safely) with my Superga shoes and not hiking shoes /proud/
Going down was another long(ass) journey
Finally found our way out and we passed by a beautiful temple
After the successful hike, we made our way back to the station and bought some drinks in the convenient store. I bought this tea thinking that it is a normal tea but actually it was sucha bitter and tasteless tea -______- got totally scammed man damnnnn!
Long train ride to our next destination (which I can't remember where but if I do I'll update ><) so we took a well deserving nap~~
Got super excited when I saw this on the station once we alighted the subway hehe
Since it is still the period of Sewol Ferry incident, there were yellow ribbons tied along the Cheonggyecheon stream, on the bridge, everywhere and people were all busy writing down their thoughts and wishes on the ribbons and tying them on structures.
This is actually in front of the A Channel studio if I'm not wrong
A rally or I say a protest going on the streets
The KTO is just nearby the Cheonggyecheon stream but since it closes at 7pm, we decided that after trying the hanboks at KTO, we'll explore the stream and its surrounding again later.
This was the first thing that greeted us once we were at the entrance of the KTO ;)
We got really excited once we were in the building cause we've been looking forward to try out the hanboks ever since day 0! xD I've always wanted to try on the hanboks (all thanks to historical Korean dramas) and thank you KTO for giving us tourist the chance to try them out for free!
While waiting for our turn to try out the hanboks, we went to the K-Star Gallery which was packed with Indonesian tourists (they were really noisy btw lol) and decide to post with them stars! xD Unfortunately, there's no Kyuhyun standee :((( Like how come there's no Kyuhyun standee, it's K Y U H Y U N peeps!! Such a disappointment sighhhhh
Took this to show Diana HAHAHA
Taemin pon Taemin la hehe
Just had to post this picture of Liling and her hubby LMAO
There were actors and some random person standees too but it was crowded with the Indonesian tourists so we had to give it a miss. Plus, it's already our turn to try out the hanboks (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) The staffs apparently thought that Liling and Gina were from China (as expected) so they asked them which country am I from cause I don't look like I came from China HA HA HA. Excuseeeee you..... Have yguys heard of Singapore before?!
Anw, the staffs brought us to the "changing room" and there were various kinds of pretty hanboks. We didn't get to choose the hanboks so we had to wear whatever they choose for us (was kindda awkward when they put on the clothes for us though hahaha) And so..... Gina got the hanbok meant for a lady-who's-getting-married-or-isit-engagement while Liling's a normal/typical hanboks for girls....as for me, I actually wore a married woman's hanbok. LOL. But okay la, I actually needed that hat(?) cause before that I wore a cap and my hair was flat so I needed something to cover that flat hair of mine so all is well hahahaha
I kindda look like a mother of 2 huh where Gina and Liling are my daughters xD
The hanboks are so comfortable me likey~
We actually asked them if it's alright to take an informal picture cause who knows we can't since we're wearing the hanbok right xD The staffs laughed and told us we can do whatever pose we want, it doesn't matter hahahaha
After having loads of fun trying out the hanbok, we went back to the bridge to continue what we missed out earlier which is to explore the stream and it's area!
Everyone dressed up so nicely and there's me...with an umbrella on a bright day (as if the cap wasn't enough to shield me from the sunlight)
Found out that it was Buddha's Day which explains the lantern figures along the stream
Such a waste that the lanterns weren't lighted if not it'll be beautiful!
Some kid throwing coins into the hole. Apparently, your wish will come true if you managed to throw the coins in the hole :)
The three of us then went to the yellow ribbons area and decided to write our thoughts down...
All those heartfelt wishes :(
Friends of victims voicing out their disappointments
It was a new and eye opening experience for me to be witnessing an ongoing rally where the victims family and friends are all voicing out their anger and remorse out to the public. Though we didn't understand what they said, they've reached our hearts and that's what matters...
Okay done with Part 1 of Day 6, gotta split it into 2 parts cause its one long post heh~
Labels: gradtrip14, imissyouseoul, korea, opparwanderseoul, seoul, tb 0 comment[s] | back to top |