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Day 5 - Braving the cold wind
written on Wednesday, June 11, 2014 @ 5:50 AM ✈
Day 5 itinerary
2 May 2014
Despite staying for 5 days here, today was actually our first and last breakfast at the guesthouse cause we always wake up late and missed the breakfast xD Went down around 10am cause we had to check out at 11am and since we still have a lot of time left, we took our own sweet time and enjoy our last day here at Welcome Guesthouse :)
Got greeted with Gangnam Style early in the morning xD
A photo booth where they had a picture of all the guests who stayed here before ;)
Spend a great 4 nights here in Welcome Guesthouse and despite the small rooms, it is all worth it :)
After taking pictures and bidding farewell to the angmoh guy at the counter, we made our way down to the subway. I'll definitely miss staying over at Myeongdong cause it is a very convenient place to stay especially when Myeongdong Streets are just opposite you. I'll never get sick of Myeongdong!!!
Carried our luggage up and down the stairs (got used to it already) and waited for the subway to Hongik University!
Mr Choi, our host for the Charming Apartment was very kind enough to wait for us at the exit of the subway station. He guided us to the apartment and even help to carry the luggage :) Thank you Mr Choi! We were impressed with the apartment cause it is very neat and cozy so THUMBS UP!
After settling in, we're off to Gongdeok to go to KBS building and Hangang River.
Once we're at the station, we were kindda lost as we were not sure if we should take the bus or walk so we tried our best to ask the information counter in Korean and thank goodness the ahjusshi understood our basic Korean lol. Decided to walk until it started to rain cats and dogs -.- Worst, it was so cold we only had ONE umbrella and the umbrella wasn't strong enough to withstand the wind hahaha. Waited for the rain to stop, which to our dismay, didn't so we had no choice but to run in the rain, braving the cold wind. Plus, my long sleeve shirt is thin and if it's not for my scarf, I would've froze to death hahahaha.
Our initial plan was to cycle around Yeouido park >> Hangang river and then go to KBS building but since it was so cold, we decided to give it a miss. Who cycles in the rain and cold wind right?! Unless we are all properly attired but we weren't. Sigh :(
Had to walk under the trees cause it was drizzling and we had one spoilt umbrella haha.
The KBS building is near the Yeouido park so once we spotted the KBS buildings (yeap, there are two of them), we know we're on the right track.
1st building which I think is the office
2nd building
The main purpose of going to KBS building is to go to this KBS ON thinggy which is open to public BUT we were a few minutes late so it was closed :( DO YOU FEEL MY PAIN! I got to know about this from reading this muslim traveller who apparently went here and got to try out the broadcasting equipment and such in the building :( Double sigh. Decided to wander around KBS and took photos before continuing our walk to the Hangang River. At one point of time, we were so cold hence we went into the building and me and Gina went to check for Ryeowook's DJ schedule cause he actually had DJ-ing today. However, his schedule is at 10pm :( Triple sigh.
The infamous benches were fans sat here to watch idol/actor dj-ing.
Feeling devastated, we make our way to Hangang river. I was literally shaking cause by then, it was extremely cold I can't feel my fingers anymore. It's only spring and I can't handle the cold, imagine WINTER!!! T_____T
Passed by some government building and there were so many (goodlooking hahaha) police guarding the area.
My friends and I were one of the few souls that were at the park. What surprises me the most is that some Koreans (mainly ahjusshis) were exercising and worst, they wore shirt. SHIRT. Here I am struggling to keep myself warm and they there are exercising in a shirt -.- Koreans really amaze me man...
You can tell how cold it was just by looking at the pictures, like seriously, look at the fog!!
Despite the cold, it is actually rather peaceful and it would be great if we could cycle around the park but not with the cold wind slapping our face haha. Made our way back to the nearest subway station...
The cold drained my energy and my flu got worst so I decided to try this Vitamin C drink which I often see in drama/variety show/idols drinking it. I'll love anything that is citrus and sour but apparently, it didn't cure my flu lol.
Board the subway to Itaewon for our dinner!~
Some plastic surgery ad in the subway. They really encourage you to go for surgery ><
The purpose of this picture is...LUHAN!! hehe
Been wanting to go to Itaewon ever since I found out it's existence hahaha. This is the only Muslim-friendly area where you can find a lot of HALAL food, mainly middle-east cuisine. I hadn't been eating meat since my stay in Seoul so I was craving for chicken and finally, I had chicken kebab at Mr Kebab!
I find it cute how the middle-east man spoke Korean to the customers xD And they are very friendly (and noisy at the same time haha) It's like as if I'm in a wet market!
Ordered for myself Chicken Kebab (.....won) cause I was craving for chicken and the moment I had a bite of the chicken......my stomach felt so happy it did somersault. HAHAHAH jkjk. The meat was juicy and the vegs used were all fresh I can't believe I ate the tomatoes -.- I actually HATE tomatoes okay haha. It wasn't spicy to me so I spammed their sambal and :Q____ tasted a lot better!!! Will give it a 9/10 ;)
After the good dinner, we went for a walk around the streets and passed by many halal restaurants :)
We finally made our way to the Islamic Streets where the ONLY Seoul Mosque can be found. Actually, we didn't know the way so we followed this group of people in front of us and thank god they're also heading to the Mosque.
And here we are! At the entrance of the car park for the Seoul Mosque! It was dark so we weren't sure where is the entrance so we went here instead. Made friends with the 4 people we followed in front and apparently, one of the girl is a Singaporean and she studied here with this Malaysian girl.
We wanted to go up the mosque, to the female praying area but it was close, so the Malaysian girl asked an ahjusshi why (IN KOREAN btw. dayyum, her Korean is amazing), and told us that apparently, when the weather is cold, they close down the mosque early. (We were there at around 8pm plus KST) Feeling sad, we made our way outside the male praying area instead :(
One word to describe the mosque: BEAUTIFUL. The fact that it is the only mosque here in Seoul makes it even more special. Imagine during Eid, most of the Korean Muslims who stays in Seoul gather together for their Eid prayers :') There were tents outside cause it was a Friday which means Friday prayers for the Muslims guys. Saw a few Korean Muslim and I'm like cooool. Oh and there's this one time where I was going up the hill to the mosque, I saw this good looking Korean Muslim guy who just exited the mosque *_* My friends who were behind me saw him too and they're like, "Omg Hidayah. You saw?" and I'm like "YESSSSSSSSSSS" hahahhaa. It's rare to find (good looking) Korean Muslim okay....hahahaha.
There were a few clubs at Itaewon too and most of the customers are foreigners to my amaze. Rarely see Koreans went into the club here though.
(Transgender club) Interesting huh?
Left Itaewon around 10pm plus and we made our way back to Hongdae. We were craving for something sweet so we decided to have some waffles at Beans Bin Cafe!!
Beans Bin is known in Seoul for their waffles and LET ME TELL YOU, it is INDEED the best waffles in town!! We really can't decide what to order so in the end, we decide on the "Berries Waffle" (Blueberry and raspberry) as well as green tea ice cream. It was soft and crispy, not so sweet...just perfect and it melts in your mouth. Plus, the serving size is quite big so you can actually share with your friends :) Was so happy indulging the waffles that when it finished, I find myself wanting more!!! I'll definitely give it a 11/10 cause it is MORE THAN PERFECT.
Sigh I miss this so much it hurts :(
After a sweet supper, we wandered around Hongdae (as usual) and reached our apartment after midnight. It was our first night in the apartment and it was sure a good one! Lights off at 2am plus and we're all hyped up for Day 6 which is....hiking!!
xoxo; Labels: gradtrip14, imissyouseoul, korea, opparwanderseoul, seoul, tb 0 comment[s] | back to top |