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Henna drawings and brownies
written on Monday, October 27, 2014 @ 5:42 AM ✈
It's 5.11am now by the time I start typing and thinking what to post. Thank goodness there's no work later but I'll be meeting Asyilah instead to discuss our itinerary (!!)
Anyway, work on Friday was fun! Celebrated Deepavali at school and the kids were all in their indian traditional clothes and boy do they look cute! Started off with an introduction to Deepavali and one of the activities include dancing to Chamak Challo, making all the kids get up on their feet, dancing. After all the dancing, we did henna drawing, where Dayah and I (yes, there's 2 teacher Dayahs, which explains why the kids call me Teacher Dayah 2) went around (like literally) to every class - from Toddler to K2 to do henna for them. Dayah didn't dare to do the henna for the teachers so she asked me to draw it for them instead and I'm glad everyone are satisfied with the drawing ^^
Time actually passed by very fast on that day as compared to any other normal working days, mainly because I was busy doing henna for them haha. Work ended at 6.30pm and went to Fatin's house straight away with Asyilah. Initially, we didn't intend to overnight at Fatin's house but since we slacked till it's passed midnight (and we were really craving for brownies), we decide to sleepover instead. Plus, it's been so long since the three of us hang out as Fatin's busy with her uni. Baked brownies, talked, cried (particularly me) and watched dramas till it's wayy early in the morning xD
Rushed home as Asyilah was late for work heh.
Cravings satisfied! ^^V
5.42am and....I'm out!
#nowplaying Winner - Don't Flirt
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