![]() ![]() Green tea maniac and definitely a food (and boyband) lover ;) + follow | tumblr | twitter | ask me Chingus:
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Day 8 - Every fangirl's dream
written on Friday, September 26, 2014 @ 11:57 PM ✈
Day 8 itinerary
Morning cuppa @ Mango Six since it was a cold Monday morning but I actually regretted buying Green Tea (literally tea) instead of Green Tea Latte =_= Please remind me again why did I order tea instead of the normal latte when I actually had learnt my lesson that time at Osulloc Green Tea.....
We actually decided to spend another day at Edae to shop cause really, one day of shopping there wasn't enough! Thank goodness we woke up early so we made our way to the destination until we saw an ahjusshi selling twister potatoes and decided to buy them!
The ahjusshi was so friendly he even posed for us xD
After a good walk around Edae, we continued our shopping trip to Express Bus Terminal next!
The longggg awaited moment had finally arrived!! The day going to the entertainment agencies at....
Wanted to go to YG too but it wasn't within Apgujeong Rodeo area so we gotta give it a miss :( Anw, we left Express Bus Terminal at around 5pm kst and had lunner at Grill5Taco. As expected...Lee Donghae wasn't there. Didn't expect much also cause we know that our fangirl luck is damn bad you can't even imagine :(
But...yehet! We saw Donghae's brother instead!
( I had to zoom in cause we're not allowed to take pictures of/with him TSK)
Since the entertainment companies were on the other exit, we had to go back to the station to walk there and we happened to passby this Kpop Star Gallery with is located in the train station that has all the DSP artist like Kara, Rainbow and Ajax.
It was getting dark so we quickly walked over to the exit and passed the old SM building which has a hugeeeeeeeeee poster of Exo Overdose comeback photo :DD Was super excited when I saw that cause I've always see people tweeted about it but not seeing it with my very own eyes (and even touch it hahaha)
Helloooo boysss
Took a lil bit more pictures and then we're off to the main purpose of our destination. Brave the cold and walked a tad further to JYP which was along the alley of Dunkin Donuts.
Saw loads of fans waiting outside the building that I didn't get to take a picture of the SM logo D:
All of them were trying their luck (including me) so I once again, brave the cold weather and stood there with a camera and phone on both of my hands, waiting for Exo K (I must've looked pathethic*sobs*) Sigh, the things I do for them. Wait...wait...and wait...Then we saw shadows in the building which apparently are theirs and heard Mirotic being played. Waited for 2 hours plus and can't take it anymore cause it was super cold so we decide to leave the place and went to Cube Studio cause I wanted to grab some warm green tea latte. And as expected, everything in there is all about United Cube. Got lost for a few minutes until we saw a familiar building which was JYP. We decided to wait again at JYP and it was worth it!!
Cause why?!
Cause I saw Got7's JR and Jackson as well as Kpop Star 3 winner, Bernard Park. JR went into the building so fast I can't even but Jackson stopped and smiled at the fans ㅠㅠ JACKSON WANG IS SO GOOD LOOKING PLEASE ESPECIALLY WHEN HE SMILED I DIED A LIL AND WENT TO HEAVEN ㅠㅠ Bernard was like a lost and awkward child cause when all the girls were swooning over Jackson, he was at the back, didn't know what to do xD It's okay Bernard, I know you and I'm sure the fans know you too xD
That moment happened so fast and I wasn't ready so I didn't get to take a picture/video of them :( Plus....may I repeat...
After that lil fangirling moment, we went to find FNC building at around 10.30pm kst. We didn't managed to find the building at all despite asking the fangirls who eagerly helped us out :( Must be because it was already dark that's why we might have missed the building :( Oh well....
Left apgujeong rodeo with a heavy heart and went to catch the last train. Everyone were like literally running in the station just to catch the last train xD
Was a really long, tiring and cold day and my knees ached real bad but it's all worth it :) (expect the not-able-to-see-exo part) Labels: gradtrip14, imissyouseoul, korea, opparwanderseoul, seoul, tb 0 comment[s] | back to top |