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Recent Update :
Happy Children's Day!
written on Monday, October 6, 2014 @ 5:12 PM ✈
I hadn't been able to update recently because 1) work has taken over my life 2) no wifi at home but thank you uncle for lending me your toggle even if it's only for 2 hours T^T
The past few weeks have been very hectic for me since currently, I'm working as a relief teacher in My First School at Tampines ;) Had to admit that even though it is very tiring, I kindda enjoy working there, interacting and playing with the kids. Just 3 days ago, we went to the S.E.A Aquarium for Children's Day and since it was my first time as well, I was really looking forward to the field trip (just like the kids) ^^V
Before entering the Aquarium, we had to wait for our tickets to be printed out so we brought the kids to the waiting area while watching a introduction of idkwhatitiscusididn'tpayattention and also because I was busy comforting the kids who got frightened by the moving lion statue (I got scared too ><)
Just look at it's red eyes! It was moving and there were smoke coming from it's nose -_-
They were all hiding behind my back and hugging me so I asked them to smile and take a selfie instead xD
Entrance of the Aquarium
So beautifulllll
He asked the kids to pose with him xD
Some long fish that got me and Felicia disgusted ><
Would love to try feed the fishes too!
He was cleaning the glass and the kids went "Uncle! Uncle!" xD
The day ended with the kids all hungry for food (and the teachers too) so once we left the Aquarium, we waited for our food to be delivered and poor kids, not only were they hungry but they were restless too :( I was quite disappointed as they were not many sharks and dolphins in the Aquarium cause I was really expecting to see those Hammerhead and great big while sharks but meh....
It was still a great experience though because I realize that it is NOT easy to bring them to field trip as most of the time, I kept on telling them to "BE IN LINE", "WHY ARE YOU OVER THERE" and "BE CAREFUL". I was really knocked out after the trip and slept in the bus (but the kids still disturbed me while I'm asleep sigh)
We got back to the centre around 3pm and it was already their nap time (YES HAHAHA) Washed them and put them to bed while we had our lunch and prepare our Children's Day gift for the kids. It's my first time preparing a Children's Day gift...as a teacher cause all this while, I helped out my aunt who was a teacher with all the wrapping of gifts but now, it's from me (and my other 3 colleagues) so it feels more...special??
Went over to K2 and this boy who I called cousin (cause he really reminds me of my cousin) asked me to draw a TMNT for him. Since it was Children's Day, being the nice teacher I am (HAHAHAHA) I drew one for him and he was so happy he asked me to draw him another one when I meet him again. Hahaha awww.
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