![]() ![]() Green tea maniac and definitely a food (and boyband) lover ;) + follow | tumblr | twitter | ask me Chingus:
Recent Update :
Lazy song
written on Thursday, April 26, 2012 @ 7:33 AM ✈
So.....supposed to have lab today but since it's the first day of school, we don't have to attend the lab lesson! Isn't it great?! :D Well, only for this week uh. Starting from next week, timetable will resume as per normal and there goes my "freedom". Haisss. Didn't do anything productive today :( Let's list down the things that I did today alright and you'll see how I waste my day today :P Woke up at 2pm > Tumblr, youtube > Fruits for brunch > Workout (skipped 1000 times ^^) > Prata for dinner > watch tv > Arrange my notes > Studied Korean languange abit > On laptop and here I am at blogger. Today is basically LAZE AROUND THE HOUSE day for me. Heh. Okay uh, didn't know what to blog actually. Just logged in to blogger cause I'm waiting for Rooftop Prince to be loaded. Don't feel like going to Tumblr cause I bet that I'll keep on reblogging until the next day :P Oh, and I've been listening to Set fire to the Rain - Adele these few days!! Guess I'm in a mood for english songs. Keke. School at 11am tomorrow. ANDWAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ;~; Kay la, shall watch my Rooftop Prince now, BYEYEOM!!!! And here's Luhan's buing buing for you.......... ^^V tehehhhhhhhhhhh 0 comment[s] | back to top |