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written on Wednesday, December 23, 2015 @ 6:35 PM ✈
We were still in daze after the fanmeet, like at first, we wanted to get over and done with it but now that it's already over, we wished the fanmeet last forever.
We stayed around the hall for a while because we wanted to avoid the crowd since it was during peak hours by the time the fanmeet ended. Plus, I gotta charge my phone and post fancams on twitter. Anyway, we saw a few fans crowding at this door which leads to the carpark and being the nosy one, I followed them and from far, we saw white tinted vans, which was probably DAY6's. Walked closer to the vehicles and the boys were there, getting ready to board the van :') There were security guards so we couldn't get closer to them...oh well.
It was already 8pm and Asy wanted to go UNIQLO to buy leggings and since had a few hours to spare before we fetch SISTAR and GOT7, we decided to go Bugis which is along the way.
Had nothing to do so we went to Sephora and tried out their lipsticks :P
Little did I know that fateful day was also the day my phone and the ground decided to meet :') I could hear my heart breaking into pieces when I saw it landed on the floor but sigh, it's okay, I'm fine :')
We were running late and rushed off to airport to start our 3rd (and sadly, last) round of fetching idols xD
There were many fans at the airport already - both SISTAR and GOT7 fans and we found ourselves squeezing right to the front of the exit T_T Rin, who never experienced this before was surprised at how chaotic and crowded the place was when she met us later :') Well, definitely a whole new world right ;)
Took them forever to exit and it was already past midnight T_T THE THINGS WE DO FOR THEM.
GOT7, in general, are fanservice kings especially BamBam and Jackson! I still remember how BamBam tried his best to talk to the fans when we waited for him outside JYP building that time. When they first debuted, Jackson even waved and greeted the few of us who gathered in front of him before he entered the building :') And I remember how stunned I was looking at his smiley face that I didn't even press the recording button of my phone :') Good ol' days huh.
Waited for them for hours but they left within minutes but sigh, what's new - which is why till now, I am so impressed with VIXX because they actually took their time to walk, more like a stroll (and look at the fans face) when they came to Singapore that time. (but me being stupid and getting all star stuck didn't record it despite holding the phone up -___-)
My Dad has been fetching us since the KStar week (you da best Dad ^^) so while waiting for him, we went to explore the airport.
Excuse my lack of Star Wars knowledge but I thought the Stormtroppers were good guys at first, until I finally watch the movie :')
The spaceship(?) from the side looks like EXO's logo huh? :')
3:26am but my Dad was still nowhere seen and we were all exhausted cause it has been a looooooong day - from 1pm to 3am plus. That's like THE WHOLE DAY.
I thought he forgot about us so I called him and when he finally picked up his phone, he told us that he was stuck in a jam at checkpoint :') *phew*
Rin, as usual, being the extra cheery one couldn't stop talking and telling us her infamous lame jokes that I could only managed to roll my eyes at. Hahahahahah. We really have no energy - I was literally dragging my feet to get supper at MacD D:
About 4am plus, my Dad finally reached and home sweet homeeeee~
If you think I crashed my bed as soon as I reached home, you're wrong xD I was wide awake and could only sleep at 8am the next day HAHAHAHA #whatsnew
Woke up feeling all sores in my body, my throat hurts so bad, my head was spinning and my heart was aching - I found myself missing the busy weekends.
The past 3 days were nothing but crazy fun. From running around to fetch the idols to attending DAY6 fanmeet, it was really crazy.
The fact that Jae and YoungK posted about the fanmeet in SG didn't make my post concert syndrome any better :(
Before YoungK edited his post,
Thank you for another sweet memories guys. 0 comment[s] | back to top |