![]() ![]() Green tea maniac and definitely a food (and boyband) lover ;) + follow | tumblr | twitter | ask me Chingus:
Recent Update :
190 mins (or more I think) with DAY6
written on Wednesday, December 23, 2015 @ 6:41 AM ✈
Sorry it took me a while to post this, it's in my drafts for as long as I can remember T_T I had no motivation to continue this post because 1) it's super lengthy 2) reminiscing about that weekend HURTS
But well, I should just finish off with what I started right? You ready?! #SGKStar2015 Hands down to the craziest weekend I've ever experienced in my entire fan girl life.
3rd December 2015
I already made plans with my friend to meet up for dinner at Tampines so when I found out that BTOB will be landing at 10pm that night, I told her that I could only meet her for a while xD SORRY MARDIAH YKNOW I STILL LOVE YOU HAHAHAHAIS. Thank goodness for the straight bus to airport, I reached within 20 minutes!! T_T
Met Asy at the airport and she told me that she actually made a friend while she was at Cheers looking for drinks. And....the fan is only 14 years old....which is my sister's age :'))) No wonder she told Asy that she gotta sneak out of the house to fetch BTOB because she's still a minor. LOL. This would've never happen to us anymore ;)
One thing for sure, there were so many young fans at the airport. I've always thought that Melodies (BTOB's fandom name) consists of fans around our age because BTOB debuted the same year as EXO but I guess the younger fans stood out more hahaha. (Well same goes for SG Exo-Ls lol) Thank goodness I'm in a good mood that day because if not I wouldn't have entertain this another young and apparently show-off fangirl *roll eyes* I thought she just wanted to share her experience meeting GOT7 when they came last April, "You know, I met GOT7 at this chinese restaurant yknow." with her I-know-I'm-lucky-say-I-am-lucky face "Oh really?" "Yeah, Jackson so nice yknow he went to say CHEERS with us" "Whoa..." "Yeah and yknow Junior, he wanted to go to the toilet but instead of going one big round, he walked behind me AND WHEN I TURNED BACK, HIS FACE AND HIS ABS WERE LIKE IN MY FACE" "Omg... How many of you were there?" "Hmm, 12?" *inside my heart I was like, Lol, you sure you met them and not stalk GOT7? Smh* I was starting to get annoyed and asked Asy who was busying scrolling her timeline to talk to me T_T But that annoying girl never gave up!! "Eh see that Korean bodyguard? I took a picture with him before leh! *shows me her pic with him* "Oh wow! Handsome uh!" *as the Korean bodyguard walked passed by us* "TAEKWONDO!! TAEKWONDO!! *points finger at him*" I HAD TO SLOWLY BACK OFF FROM HER BECAUSE HECK THAT WAS EMBARRASSING T_T I was silently wishing BTOB to arrive earlier because this girl for sure is embarrassing >< It's like as if God heard my prayers and FINALLY BTOB ARRIVED (without Minhyuk and Sungjae) 5th December 2015 D-day all SG Sundays (DAY6's fandom name) were looking forward to! Their flight was at midnight and I was hoping that I didn't meet the annoying fangirl because well, she's only 15 and what is a minor doing at this timing haha but well, if she could "bump into" GOT7 in the restaurant....you'll never know ;P
We came prepared - with Tin bringing along her laptop to do her assignment, Asy with her Korean language book and me with my coloring book since we arrived quite early.
There were letters and envelopes in my bag too (gosh I wonder who placed 'em in my bag ;P) so I suggested to write a fan letter since we wanted to kill time anyways.
It's been so long since I wrote a fan letter, the first was for Gi Kwang's birthday which was like 5 years ago and since then, I gave up writing Korean hahais. But since Jae understands English, I thought why not =D (and I just had to write one for Junhyeok because.....IT'S JUNHYEOK T_T)
We even made 2 new friends while waiting for DAY6 and I gave them letters to write as well :') The time, surprisingly passed by very fast since we were rather preoccupied with the fan letter and once we're done writing (after all the drafting and constant shaking cause I was so nervous writing in Hangul).... We were embracing ourselves for DAY6 T_T And JUST LIKE THAT.....THE BOYS.....ARRIVED..... But well, tough luck, amidst all the fan letters, the boys didn't take ours and I'm still bummed over the fact that Jae actually saw our letters but he just ignored it (and took another fan's one) WELL THANK YOU JAE -____-
I really couldn't sleep that night. The thought of meeting them a few hours later made me nervous and excited that in the end, I only had 2 hours of sleep T_T
And if you thought my dark circles are already bad, well they're worse that day.
The fanmeet only starts at 4pm but we decided to meet earlier to collect freebies and just be there. But as usual, we met an hour later then planned :')
It's my first time going to MBS Expo and Convention Hall so I was really amazed with how high class the place is. There was a Para-Olympics event going on too so you can imagine how busy the place was, with the KSTAR event as well.
You don't know how excited we were when we saw all of these.
Can't believe I gotta give GOT7 a miss :(
There were many Korean-related-activities that we could try here like their traditional games, take a picture with hanboks and even punch the tile bricks - the ones we often see during taekwondo showcases.
And....most importantly, we received MANY freebies! I even got myself an umbrella for managing to throw 2 arrows(?) in this wooden bamboo-like poles LOL.
After trying out all the stuffs, getting freebies and more freebies, we finally decided to eat. Not knowing how atas the place is, we bought packed food from the hawker centre and there weren't any proper place to sit so we went to find somewhere secluded and in the end, we settled at a corner where we could eat our food albeit all the stares from people who took the lift beside the place we had our lunch at xD
Remember my umbrella? Well, it was quite a hassle to bring it along to the concert hall so I decided to hide it under the escalator, hoping it'll still be there when I come back and that no one saw me hiding the umbrella there (unfortunately, two fangirls saw and they were like "Eh that girl's hiding her umbrella under the escalator" HAHAHAIS :'D)
FINALLY..........IN (!!!!!)
After settling ourselves, the lights went off and out came the intro! DBAFKWBVOBW WE WERE THIS CLOSE TO SEEING THE BOYS!
The boys came out without warning (I WASN'T READY) and I know they're gonna slay my heart for the next 190 minutes :') (still slaying though)
Behold, my least fav part during the fanmeet! Game sessions with the lucky fans :') Sorry for being a butt hurt fangirl but YES I AM BUTT HURT :(
I went nuts when they performed Like The Sun because it's my fav song among all the track lists and I love Jae's part THE MOST (to the point where I memorized 'em T_T)
I'm still amazed at how faint my voice is in almost all of the fancams because I actually screamed/sang my lungs OFF. Yeokshi....iPhone~
Colors...The song just gets me, every single time...and hearing it live gave me all the goosebumps. You can feel the sincerity in their voices and when it reached the climax (Junhyeok's famous keyboard smash) I don't know what to feel. I was CLOSE to tearing. It's not helping that soon after Colors, they showed the fan video made by Sundays. By then, I lost it. Asy lost it too and so we were both sobbing.
After the video, we had a mini surprise birthday celebration for YoungK. We held banners, sang birthday song (in English) and even prepared a cake for him.
He was moved and said, adorably and handsome-ly as ever "When did you prepare all this? Yguys are amazing *touches heart* Thank you so much." Asy, I'm sorry but I think YoungK is
I can never listen to Congratulations the same way ever again. Not when Jae's surprised and amazed face when he heard us sang constantly be in my mind. Not when I got reminded of Young K's failed hearteu for us because his part came and Sungjin's wide, impressed grin. THANKYU SO MUCH GUYS I WILL NEVER FORGET THIS MOMENT, OUR MOMENT. AND THANKYU SG SUNDAYS FOR OUR SINGING HAS TOUCHED THEM. Our fan projects were successful too. Good job everyone!! I AM SOOOOO GLAD (UNTIL NOW) THAT I DID NOT HESITATE AND RAN TO THE EXTENDED STAGE DURING ENCORE. Also, it's because my seat was just beside the aisle so it was really easy to just run to the front :') ENCORE TIME!! I can't remember when but there was this one time when Wonpil went to the front (I already put down my phone by then) and HE FREAKING TOOK TIN'S HAND AND SHOOK HER HANDS. HE WAS THE ONE WHO INITIATES IT AND I WAS SO SHOCKED (YOU SHOULD SEE BOTH OUR EPIC REACTION) BECAUSE IT HAPPENED IN FRONT OF ME TOO. TIN LOST IT BECAUSE WONPIL IS HER FREAKING BIAS PLEASE AND I LOST IT TOO BECAUSE I'M SO HAPPY FOR HER?! THIS LUCKY GZB!!! Why did I put down my phone I could've video-ed it!!! Tin was all "GOMAWO WONPIL" "WONPIL SARANGHAE" (You can even hear it in the videos hahahaha) when the boys were settling themselves down to sit in front of us for the photo-taking AND GUESS WHAT. WONPIL TURNED BACK....LOOKED AT HER AND FREAKING ACKNOWLEDGE HER BY NODDING HIS HEAD TO HER "GOMAWO WONPIL"?!?!?! WTF THIS GUY. AND TIN. CAN I CREY?! TOTALLY HER DAY MANG. Jae and Junhyeok wae yguys didn't acknowledge me too :( ![]() ![]() ![]()
Asy was at the back cause she didn't ran to the front D: Please remind me (again) to drag her with me wherever I go/run during concert/fanmeet/airport. T/N: FOR THE UPCOMING EXOLUXION SG ESPECIALLY.
Anyway, we were all dying to hear FREE HAGE during the Encore stage and when it was finally time for FREE HAGE......
"I SAY JUMP!!!!!!!"
THIS JAE FINALLY WENT TO THE EXTENDED STAGE AND HE WAS SO CLOSE TO ME AND I WAS SO CLOSE TO FAINTING BECAUSE HE IS GORGEOUS. And please take a look at Junhyeok at the back jumping like a cute kangaroo all the way to Wonpil :') FREE HAGE was the last song....I should've known :'( THANK GOD ALL OF THEM WENT TO THE EXTENDED STAGE AGAIN, I COULD TOTALLY SEE THEIR PRECIOUS FACES, FROM SUNGJIN'S TO MAKNAE DOWOON'S. Dayyum this boy is sucha cutie. Sungjin went to approach the crowd and we went nuts when he wanted to shake hands with us. But in the end, he gave up shaking us all because well......we were scary. HAHAHAHA. Tin got to shake hands with Sungjin........TSK THIS LUCKY GZB.
DO YOU KNOW WHY I WAS EXTRA NERVOUS THAT DAY?! I mean I had attended a few fan meets but I wasn't that nervous compared to DAY6'S. And it's mainly because of the high five session T_____T
Yeah, I think the reason I was extra nervous all these while was because of this - the high five session thing.
While waiting for the staffs to set up the tables for the boys, the MCs went to tell the fans about this PHOTO PASS FOR 200 FANS. I heard about this before but I was like "Meh, definitely won't get it" so I wasn't expecting anything......
I was shocked. Speechless. In disbelief. I remembered earlier while entering, one of the staff stamped a heart on my ticket but I was like "Oh nice" and didn't suspect ANYTHING.
This means SO MUCH to me :'(
(excuse my language guys but YEP T_T)
I really felt bad for Asy after realizing she didn't get the heart stamp but she assured me that she's fine and that she's happy for us :'( After waiting for some time, FINALLY OUR TURN TO HIGH FIVE THE BOYS. I've already expect the session to pass by fast because well, SG staffs are extra strict and annoying they'll push you out as soon as you're done high five-ing them *roll eyes* It passed by so fast, within 10 secs tbh lol that the only thing I could say was "THANK YOU" and "REST WELL". SIGH. Oh, Jae was all smiley I died a lil inside :') YoungK's smile is so sincere and you feel like you could get lost into YoungK's eyes when you look at him in the eye. Dramatic but really. The way he looks at you. SOBS MY HEART. Asy was a mess. If you think I'm that emotional, wait till you see her. Hahahahaha. Well....we are the same I guess xP Then......I had to prepare myself for the photo-taking session. Like mentally and emotionally. WHY AM I SO EMOTIONAL. Asy passed me her fan letter, hoping that I could passed it to the boys and I told her that I can't promise but I'll try. I was praying to sit on the chair because then DAY6 will just be behind us and thank you God for answering my prayers again T_T We were the 1st and 2nd in line! (At first, I got separated with Tin, I was the last in line but I told the staff that I'm with Tin and thankfully, she called another person *phew*) THIS CLOSE TO TAKING A PICTURE WITH DAY6. Wonpil was the first one so I told Tin that we should change our position because Junhyeok was after him T_T As we approached the boys, they looked at us, and greeted us with "Hiiiiii" but I wasn't concentrating, I felt like I was on cloud nine. (But I still tried to pass the letter secretly to them but the staff caught me lol) As I passed by them, getting to my seats, I COULD FREAKING SMELL THEIR PERFUME. (CAN YOU HEAR ME SCREAMING) WHEN I LOOKED BACK, THERE STOOD JUNHYEOK....R I G H T B E H I N D ME. WE WERE JUST 10CM APART FROM ONE ANOTHER. AND WHEN I LOOKED BACK TO MY LEFT, THERE STOOD YOUNGK. JAE WHY YOU SO FAR AWAY FROM ME AGAIN. I LOOKED BACK AGAIN AND JUNHYEOK WAS FIXING HIS HAIR. JFBAKFHWIOFHWOI SCREAMING. SO CLOSE BUT I STARTED TO FEEL A BIT INSECURE BECAUSE SIGH, IDK. ANYWAY, WHEN THE REST OF THE FANS SAT, I TOLD TIN TO DO A HEARTEU AND THAT'S WHEN JUNHYEOK LAUGHED AT ME. JFBASFGIOABCOIBN I NEED A MOMENT. JUNHYEOK LAUGHED AT US WHEN WE WERE DOING THE HEARTEU. WHAT.IS.AIR. Hearing his laughter makes me feel so kfhasfbwaogvbhoabno still alive but barely breathing.
190 minutes (including the high five and photo session) with DAY6 and still not enough. PLEASE COME BACK D: P.S.: I will split this entry into two parts because it's too long >< Plus, I can't wait to publish this post already heh #nowplaying DAY6 // Like The Sun 0 comment[s] | back to top |