![]() ![]() Green tea maniac and definitely a food (and boyband) lover ;) + follow | tumblr | twitter | ask me Chingus:
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How I became a fan #1
written on Friday, November 13, 2015 @ 5:34 AM ✈
Can you believe that it's been 8 years since I found out about SJ's existence and 5 years since I became an avid kpop fan? xD I only became a devoted fan after my O levels which I guess is a good thing ha ha ha.
Warning: GIFs content heavy. If the page lags on your laptop, don't say I didn't warned you ;) What made me certain that I'm going to like them was when I watch their variety shows - "Full House", "Explorers Human Body" etc. Their personalities, Their humor,
They can be funny even without trying hard!
And the things they do to entertain the fans...
How can you not fall for them?!
However, it took me 3 years (after finding about SJ's existence) to really like Kpop because back then, we have all the Jonas Brothers, David Archuleta, Justin Bieber and knowing me, I'm such a sucker for boy bands and idols :') First encounter: SS3 SG 2012 --- Luhan was the first one who made me thought "Hmm, not bad" when I saw him dancing with Kai. (I thought Kai was overrated at first sobs sorry Kai you deserve all the love rn) I mean look at how Idk, there's something about them that reminds me of SJ. And it's not helping either that they're SJ juniors :') First encounter: SMTOWN SG 2012 --- I still remember how I found out about BTS's existence. 3 years ago, I had my SIP so Yana, Khal and I were doing our work in the library. As usual, I will side track and go to allkpop (back when allkpop was reliable and not irritating lol) and came across Bangtan's debut teasers. Bighit released the member's teasers one by one and on that day, Jin, Jimin and Jungkook's pictures were released. Yknow how I like sporty guys and Jimin happened to look sporty (okay fine he is sporty heh) in the teasers and I said to Yana who was also checking the pictures out "Hmmm, this guy...not bad, I think I am going to like him lol". Yana also liked Jimin (but in the end fall for Taehyung :B) and wanted to find out more about Bangtan just like I do so we decided to wait for their debut mv. (Khal was not interested fyi hahaha) The three of us were doing our work in the library on the day Bighit decided to release No More Dream mv -_____- We were so excited that we had to control ourselves not to scream when watching the mv because we were in the library!! But WE LOST IT WHEN THIS HAPPENED ![]() However, when I found out about Jimin's age, I was like.....
(Well guys, look at me now, proud to be a noona fan xD)
And when Jimin's washboard abs became a hot topic that time HAHAHA
But my EXO feels were too overwhelming because it was during the Wolf era which was the year all EXO-Ls were thirsty (HAHAHA not kidding bruh) for EXO hence, I fangirled on Bangtan less T_T But.....I came back during Boy In Luv and that's when Jikook happened T_T JIKOOK FEELS STILL GOING STRONG.
I guess back then, I was just a closet fangirl? Because I low key spazz on them? Lol but look who's no longer a closet fangirl xD I AM SO OBVIOUS AND HIGH KEY SPAZZING ABOUT THEM RIGHT NOW SIGH.
Not that I regret anyways because they really deserve to receive all the love from fans. Knowing that they're not from the BIG 3, they had to work extra hard to get the recognition and I'm sure it's paying off right now.
Thankyu for not giving up and always trying your best, Bangtan :)
First encounter: INCHEON AIRPORT AFTER MAMA HK 2014 P:S.: I'm going to split this entry in two parts because the content is heavy and I'm sure you'll get turnoff when you see my long posts right? No? :P 0 comment[s] | back to top |