![]() ![]() Green tea maniac and definitely a food (and boyband) lover ;) + follow | tumblr | twitter | ask me Chingus:
Recent Update :
Tears and happiness
written on Monday, August 10, 2015 @ 1:24 AM ✈
![]() "Be it simply 3 blocks, a border/sea or 8 digits away"when things get tough,when you're tired of feeling alone,or when you're just missing home,think about those who will greet you,
and you'll be okay :)
18th July 2015
"Project Asy"
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It actually took us about 1 month to think of what to get for Asy's farewell gift and despite the last minute preparation - the frame's glass broke 2 days before Asy's departure making me go asdfghjkl and had to think of other alternatives which in the end (thanks to my mum's help) I used a clear wrapping paper as the "glass" /wiped sweat/ and Tin rushing off to Orchard to buy Asy's Superga while I made sure that Asy did not get them because she wanted to buy them at first /wiped another sweat/
As for the letter, I've always wanted to make a photo collage (and I love making one) for her so I finally did and I'm proud of the outcome :D
Even on the day of Asy's departure to Australia, both Tin and I were late and Asy was like, KORANG KALAU AKU DA MASOK DALAM KORANG JAGE EH. Sigh WHY ARE WE NEVER EARLY!! Part concert je cepat eh.
Met 'An, Fik, Sol and Ummi and we were all clad in our baju kurung (escept for 'An) but fret not! We were not the only ones in baju kurung okay ;) I, being the emotional one, started to feel as if there were lumps in my throat just at the sight of her and I told myself to freaking tahan. Asy was busy checking in her luggage, taking out, rearranging her luggage because overload lol and when she approached us, I could feel my eyes started to swell up and I BEGAN TO TEAR -______- The rest of them were like DAYAK NOT NOW. But I told them these tears could not stop falling :'(((
When I chose the pictures and wrote her farewell letter a few days before her departure, it began to hit me - that she is finally going. That was when I totally lost it and cried my hearts off while I penned down my thoughts on the letter.
Couldn't help but to think about our bittersweet memories together...
We became even closer thanks to OVERDUOSEoul and I'm glad that last minute trip happened. Thanks to OVERDUOSEoul, I found out that Asy's the perfectionist type, the one who could sleep anywhere and everywhere, the one who'll get cranky when she's hungry and cold, the smart one who puts on a single piece of clothing when it's 0 deg out there -.- (and still does now that she's in Perth. Tsk this girl never learn her lesson)
It was time for her to check in so we took photos, talked, and finally this was it. I could still remember the day she told me that she got accepted to Murdoch a few months ago and that was when we were waiting for VIXX. Talk about perfect timing. Tbh I wasn't really concentrating because my mind was all about VIXX that time so Asy or my dear friends, please don't break any important news when we're in the midst of idol scouting okay TT
Hugged, cried, hugged and cried harder before she went in the checkpoint. I've always hate farewells but I know this farewell is just temporary.
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Goodbye chingu~
Was so fatigued once I reached home - maybe because I used up all my energy on crying the next thing I knew I was in dreamland in my baju kurung until my parents woke me up to balik kampung.
Stuck in the jam for like 3 hours and while on the way tp our kampung, we saw people selling mercuns and I regretted so much for not buying a few!!!! We could have played with it when we're at my grandaunt's place! -_-
Raya in kampung is always meriah - with the neighbor's children playing mercun and bunga api and most importantly, the food!! (Did not managed to take a picture of the food because we were all hungry)
Before we leave for another house, we did not forget to take our family photo!
Meet my family...again :D
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Hari Raya is one of the only time (besides Ramdhan, Hari Raya Haji and perhaps wedding) when we, families from Singapore (basically just my family because my cousins have no transportation to go here D:) come to visit our relatives in Malaysia. Even so, we only managed to visit those in JB and not elsewhere because of our schedule :(
Reached my 2nd grandaunt's house which took us a lil bit longer because she lived further and it's not helping either that the roads to her place is very narrow and dark.
Ate, drank and took more pictures with my siblings~
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and one of my close cousin or isit uncle. Yeap I think it's the latter.
Family photo before we bid farewell~
![]() ![]() Till then, Selamat Hari Raya! :)
#nowplaying BTS // Just One Day
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