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Alhamdullilah :')
written on Thursday, October 29, 2015 @ 10:03 PM ✈
I remember having this dream where Kai was in it. We were classmate and Kai is the usual popular kid whom every normal students don't want to hang out with because of 1) too intimidated 2) don't wanna mess with his fangirls 3) both. I was the latter until one day, he decides to sit beside me in class and we were having a university entrance talk. Kai suddenly talks to me, asking me which uni I want to enter and I told him that I'm thinking of SIM, Sociology (T/N: This was BEFORE I applied for my course). Kai seems excited and replied "Oh! Me too! Let's apply together!" while dragging me out of the classroom. Because of that, I woke up from my dream and thought, "Crappp, I better apply now" and quickly applied xD
2 months later....
On Tues, I checked my mail to find out that I received an email from SIM that the application result is out and my heart was beating so fast.
Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah s.w.t.
My prayers have been answered.
I got the offer letter from SIM! :')
#nowplaying BTS // 24/7 = Heaven
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