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Recent Update :
Hari Raya, hati riang!
written on Thursday, August 13, 2015 @ 2:34 PM ✈
In summary, here's how Raya with my friends look like so far :)
26th July 2015
Zarifah's open house with my secondary school mates! It's been a while since we met each other and it was a good catch up ;) As usual, it's always kecoh whenever the whole lot of us gather so imagine the kecohness when we took the pictures outside xP Sorry for the noises neighbors! :P
27th July 2015
Raya with 4/5 retards feat sneakers because we gave up wearing heels and platforms xD
and just who's idea was it to pose Silat but failed terribly because of our kain hahaha.
Kain ketat bruh hahahaha
Since all four of us lives in different part of Singapore, we had to travel all the way to the North (and Fik's house literally besides Woodlands Checkpoint). Planned to sleep during the 1 hour plus journey but as usual, we spent the whole journey talking, except for Tin who dozed off half way despite the inconsiderate uncle who blazed his phone watching drama -_-
OH. By the time we reached, it was already nearing Isyak and we have yet to pray Maghrib so we went to find a place to pray in Causeway point but Fik told us that the only place is the staircase. The thing is, I did not bring any of my praying materials so guess what I used instead?!
'An's socks for my feet..
Tin's kain as a TELEKUNG
Let me crey....
I tried my best not to laugh because at the end of my prayers, the kain were of no use and my hair was all exposed hahahahahaha
Sigh apelah nasib and Tin was laughing at me saying OMG DAYAK KESIANNYE KAU T_____T hahahaha thanks mate?
After that embarrassing situation and non-stop laughter, we suddenly felt very hungry so we're off to Fik's house and....
were greeted with Ummi's hearty cooking
Tom Yum :'9
Ummi was like "Korang asal lambat ni? Ummi risau tau takut korang kene curik ke, ader ape2 tak kene dengan bus ke" and Sol rolled her eyes at her Ummi's reaction HAHAHAHAHA
That is sooooo Ummi (and Sol hahahaha)
Ummi insisted that we should take a selfie together in her room, living room, every spot in the house so....
.....even outside xD
Rushed off to Bishan because it was already 10.30pm and we decided to flag a cab instead :P
'An really has the cutest cats named Hashy/Hashbrown and Milo (the chubby one) which is named after her fav food and drink hahahaha typical 'An
And I actually kissed Hashy!! But it wasn't captured cause Fik la! xP #achievementunlocked
Lepak-ed in 'An's room while waiting for my Dad to fetch :') Princess much heh
1st August 2015
My childcare principal invited us all for her open house at Tampines :)
Meet the anak daras....
Great day spent with the teachers! Thankyu for inviting us Kak Su!
Raya with my dearest primary school close friends and Rin (new found friend who's secretly an EXO/Kai stan - eh? not so secret anymore heh) Rushed home from work because I thought I was late since I actually got carried away painting toilet rolls for my Gardens By The Bay structure = left work half an hour later only to find out that my friends were all late too :') From 4pm to 6pm to 6.30pm to 7pm :') Good job #whatsnew #janjimelayu #janjiorangkita #janjikami Our meeting point was at my house and the first to arrive was Rena followed by Maya. Mum cooked rendang ayam and they ate (while they waited for me to prepare) before leaving for Maya's house. When was the last time my mum met them? Probably when Fatehah was still a baby so hmmm 9 years ago? O_o WOW. Met Nad and Rin at Maya's house and we're off to the last house - Rena's! It's like a cat cafe and my nose started to itch >< I'm usually not that sensitive to cat's fur but these days it got a lil bit bad, maybe because I wasn't feeling that well on that day either. There were like 6 cats, 1 bird (I think) and perhaps there are rabbits and hamsters but I didn't see them though. Anyway, played with the cats UNTIL Rena's sisters played Kpop videos on the television so ape lagi me and Rin were stuck like glue xD Before this, Rena had already told us that both her sisters are obsessed with Kpop and that I should make friends with them while her mum is obsessed with KVariety shows hahahah. But her sisters are more of a YG family and obviously I'm a SM stan so the frequency's lil bit different but okay la, there's Winner and my dearest IKON so it's fine xD Rin on the other hand is a YG stan - Big Bang to be exact, is even happier when she found out they like YG hahha. But she's still an EXO/KAI babo so when Kai appeared on the screen, she went ajDBAKFBOIWBFO :') As we were busy spazzing in front of the television, the 3 non-kpop fans were in their own world talking. Joined their conversation after we calmed ourselves down and Spammed photos before we rushed home~
Not to forget, I FINALLY carried a cat!! #achievementunlocked
Old is gold.
Before we graduated, many things worried us - especially the part about keeping in touch. "Please make sure we keep in touch okay!" "Hang out soon!" "MUST GO OUT RAYA EVERY YEAR!"
Planning for an outing is already not easy, what about Raya! It's no longer "YAYYY SCHOOL'S OUT I MEET YGUYS LATER OKAY!" or can't-focus-in-class-because-too-excited-to-jalan-raya-with-classmates-after-school or planned out which houses to go for Raya during recess time. Everyone has their own schedule and I understand that because we're all adults now and we have other priorities.
But just maybe...sometimes, I wish we could be a part of your priority too?
Anyway, it wasn't full strength Raya this year, unfortunately, heck, it was only 1/4 of us. Still, I thank all of you for making the time and effort to turn up for this year's outing. Thank you for keeping our friendship alive. May our friendship lasts till the end, Amin.
Just us hanging outside Bedok Inter while waiting for the arrival of the Royal Highness, Hashimah
What is image when we were in our baju kurung
Met my bro's friends while we waited for the lift. Initially, I told Farah and Istiqa that they were probably not his friends because I never met them before until I heard one of them said, "Eh rumah die tingkat 13 kan?" Even when they board the lift (we board later because some of my friends were playing with the cats lol), I overheard them asking each other "Tu Yat nye kakak kan?" Hahahaha okay awkward much.
By the time we reached my house, it was already packed with my bro's friends - there were like 13 of them? But I was not surprised though because he already told me that his whole gang will be there, actually it's not even full strength please >< Sigh makes me miss our 4F full strength too :(
There were a few familiar faces mainly because I practically watch them grow up and even told my friends to not be shy because they are all adik-adik hahahaha. But really adik-adik.
Watched Unfriended and idk if it was a good choice to watch it when the adik-adik (wait, actually they are the least of my worries) and my siblings (yeap, I worried about them) were around because there were just so many Rated scenes and the language used is just w o w. But in the end we made it through, not forgetting the constant screaming and skipping some scene because :-)
Since my house was the last one, they sorta lepak and left at 10 because the boys wanted to play bowling(?).
Sigh, so much love for them!
Probably the last group of friends I celebrate Raya with this year and they are none other than my #multiracialsquads - netball and poly gfs. It's a first for my juniors whereas for Lixian, she is already counted as a part of my family member so it's no surprise she celebrate Raya together with us.
As for my poly gfs, ever since I met them in poly, we never fail to meet up for each other special occasions - be it New Year, Deepavali, Hari Raya or Christmas, we always make sure that we turn up for them. So yeah, you can consider this as our yearly affair ;) Isn't it great to have friends from different races? But well, most of my friends are Chinese and no harm with that ;)
![]() Look how lovely they are in my baju kurung xD
Kendra brought Vegetarian Kimbab and Kimchi for us to share and it is no doubt delicious! Well of course it is, especially when it was made by her dearest 엄마 :')
It was one exhausting day - without my mum by my side because she went to JB with my dad earlier in the morning which left me and my siblings at home. Then I had to prepare all the food by myself, clean the house with the help of my sisters of course. My mum is really a wonder woman! How can she do all the house chores all by herself T_T
So after the day ended, I found myself K.Oed on my bed and finally get to scroll down my timeline which I have missed the whole day. Sigh. Thank you Mum for all those things you did for us :( You are our wonder woman T_T
The next thing I knew, I was down with fever HAHAHAHA (basically thanks to Ilham la)
That's how my Raya was like and it was good! I hope you had a good Raya celebration too with your family and friends :) Time passed so fast and we're already at the 28th of Syawal :( Till we meet again soon, Syawal :')
#nowplaying 2NE1 // Gotta Be You
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