![]() ![]() Green tea maniac and definitely a food (and boyband) lover ;) + follow | tumblr | twitter | ask me Chingus:
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written on Thursday, February 3, 2011 @ 7:53 AM ✈
[edited on 7 Feb] ![]() HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY CHO KYUHYUN!!!! MY OKAY. Hahahahaha, joking. Anyway, since today is Kyuhyun's birthday, I shall tell you guys when, how, why and what makes me like him alright?? And maybe, I slit in some SS3 Sg Kyu moments here in this post as well k! So, be prepared for this post! :P When and how - I remember I watched Star King 07, where Charice sang A Whole New World with Kyuhyun and I told myself, Eh, this white haired guy can speak English?? Then I saw the name, Super Junior and thought that it was an English band =.= Noobster :P I went to search for Super Junior in youtube and valah! I came across Miracle. To my surprise, I really love tht song and listened to it but couldnt find Kyuhyun in tht video since he wasnt a member yet back then. But still, I began to like Suju because of the song, Miracle...yes, I had to agree that Miracle could happen and it did happen to me! And now, Life couldnt get better because of Suju's Miracle. Kekeke. So, ever since I listened to Kyuhyun's voice, I was mesmerized by it and therefore, I decided to google up his name and found out about his accident :(((((((( Hell yeah, I know, he was extremely lucky enough to be able to survive the accident. I thank Allah for saving his life, for giving him another chance to live. Thank you Allah :') What I like about you - "You are kind, you are sweet, but you're still abit naive....." Lol. Hmmm, well, firstly, I am really2 attracted to his voice. There's something about his voice then can nurse a broken hearted girl's heart you know. When I went to SS3 that time and heard him sang his solo, I cried. Hell yeah I cried. Not only because he was right infront of me but because I had goosebumps when I heard him sing, live. Awesome <3 Besides that, I like the fact that he's Suju's maknae, an Evil one and well, perhaps the ONLY maknae that's evil to his hyungs. I like his cold attitude and response towards ELFs. The way he replied to fans at UFO and his glib tongue. Dont forget his cute smile and laughter. AND his handsome face *_* He looks freaking good in real life I tell you. Ahhh~ So yeah. I still have alot to write about him but I guess I should stop or my post will be too long. Heh. Kyu, since today's your birthday, TRY to be nice to your Hyungs kay!! Haha. I know you often get bullied by them but in the end, you bullied them too right!! Hahah, you evil nia :) By the way, this is the vid that makes me fall in love with Kyuhyun :) 0 comment[s] | back to top |