![]() ![]() Green tea maniac and definitely a food (and boyband) lover ;) + follow | tumblr | twitter | ask me Chingus:
Recent Update :
Back to reality
written on Sunday, January 23, 2011 @ 10:50 AM ✈
HIYEOMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!! I'm so so so so so so so sorry for not updating my blog for a very long time! ![]() Been very busy these few days helping Mum cook, went out with Aunt's fam to Universal Studio, went to various fanchant session and collect fanpacks for the upcoming Super Show 3 in Singapore. WOHOOOOOOOOOO~ Speaking bout it, left 6 more days till I meet my Kyuhyun and the rest of the members! ;DD And in 3 more days, will be receiving our posting results. I hope I'm able to get to the course tht I really want even though I dont wanna go to tht particular poly :P So anyway, why do I blog today? Well, its because I'm waiting for All My Love to upload at Daiymotion but it's taking forever. Sigh. Today, the laptop as well as the television is going against me :( Couldnt watch MTV ASIA just now since the cable is giving me some problem which is why I missed Seoul Sunday. URGH. Sent Aunt and fam back to Australia in the morning just now. I told myself not to cry but when my Aunt hugged and kissed me (yes, I finally allowed her to kiss me) I couldnt help it but to weep :'( Bohooo. They'll be coming back 6 years later, when I'm alrdy 22+ years old :( I'll update about the trip to Universal Studio as soon as my Uncle upload the pics at FB alright! :D Oh and also, about my results -_____- TTYL! 0 comment[s] | back to top |