![]() ![]() Green tea maniac and definitely a food (and boyband) lover ;) + follow | tumblr | twitter | ask me Chingus:
Recent Update :
written on Sunday, April 22, 2012 @ 8:46 AM ✈
GUESS WHO IS BACK?!?!?!?! :D OMGOSH IT'S BEEN YEARS SINCE I LAST VISITED BLOGGER AND OH GOSH I MISS IT SO MUCH! ;AA; Did you miss me, likea-paperandpen? :( Aishhh, today I can't blog that much cause SCHOOL IS FINALLY STARTING TOMORROW! Oh yes, I've been gone for....erm....1 year but seriously, there are so many things that happened within that Anyway, what I wanted to blog about is that.... I AM NOT READY FOR SCHOOL!! The thought of going to school...going to tutorials....listening to lecturers...spending your hours in lab doing I used to think poly life would be better but NO! Well, for my case uh. Gosh come to think of it, why am I in Applied Sci school anyway. Ahhh, must be my love for science that makes me stuck in ASC >.< But I'm glad I found great friends in poly who never fails to make me laugh and smile :D Loving their company so much. And my classmates, even though they are SUPER hard working and diligent in class, I'm thankful for them cause at least that motivates me to work even harder to achieve better results. I think I'm like 10 X more hard working in poly compared to secondary school cause I was so playful back then. Not blaming my friends though but since we were ALL YOUNG BACK THEN rightttt. HEHEH. So yeah, tomorrow will be the day I enter TP as a year 2 student :/ InsyaAllah everything will be smooth sailing. Must concentrate and no distractions! Whether it's kpop, kdrama, love....Urgh, where got time for love. Seriously. There's no need to rush. What's important is love from your family, from your friends....and love yourself. Just....Let love come by itself ;) URGH! Why am I at that topic?! -.- Anyway, so much for my "I can't blog that much" cause it's obvious that my post is getting LONGER AND LONGER, too long till I myself don't bother scroll back to the top. HEH. Guess I should end it here then! Should I? Should I not? But I miss blogging! :P Maybe, after I update a tiny winy part about...... K P O P KEKEKEKE. . . . . . . . . . . Ermm, I know I have tumblr where I can spazz all I want but can I please spazz abit of my obsession over kpop here? ^_< I FOUND A NEW ROOKIE BOY BAND NAMED EXO AND I LIKE THEIR GROUP SO MUCH ;AA; Maybe because they are from SM which is why they gave me the worth-to-support-vibes. But they also reminds me the feeling of how I fall in love with Super Junior....my first kpop boy band group. That warm fuzzy feeling that sends chills down your spine. HAHAHAHAH. Alright alright, it's already 11.38pm now and I have class at 11am later. EEEEEEWWWWW. What to do...this is life. Till then, Good night likea-paperandpen. Since I'm starting to be active in blogger, I have a reason to switch on my laptop during the weekdays and update right? And tumblr too! Tumblr is a must cause IT'S FOOD FOR MY EYES AND HEART. HAHAHAHA.*wink* OKAY BOSS. For real now, NIGHTS :****** 0 comment[s] | back to top |