![]() ![]() Green tea maniac and definitely a food (and boyband) lover ;) + follow | tumblr | twitter | ask me Chingus:
Recent Update :
Under construction
written on Thursday, January 6, 2011 @ 10:27 AM ✈
I'm back!! My blog is gonna be under construction for a while so, I'm sorry if its ugly or sth okay? ^^ Oh and I'll be blogging properly tomorrow, at night, cause I have CCA orientation tmrw at school. Busy right?? Anyway, went out with Lixian just now to Bugis street and it was seriously funny. It's been awhile since I went out with her so we actually enjoyed the whole day today :D Love ya bestfriend. Heh. Had lunch at Macd and we talked about the past, our silly mistakes and everything! We're so immature back then, right Lixian? xP Ohhh, noooo! Cik Nice!!!! HAHAHAHAHA. Okay, I'll edit my post later. It's 2.26am in the morning but I can't sleep since I'm too into editing the html codes and such :D Do you know how much I miss blogging?! I don't really know how to use tumblr so it's kindda boring to me. Well, blogger's the best! :P BE RIGHT BACK!!! <3 0 comment[s] | back to top |