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Hidayah Yusof, 22, Singapore
Green tea maniac and definitely a food (and boyband) lover ;)

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Recent Update :
Nothing beats nature
written on Sunday, November 6, 2016 @ 9:49 PM ✈

Saturday; 5/11/2016

Woke up early in the morning on a Saturday for our "long-awaited" trekking to Mac Ritchie Park! Gotta give Faizah a credit for managing to drag my lazy ass out xD And also to my dear self for finally having the motivation to get out from my cage lulz. 

Anyway, I was so excited that I actually slept VERY early ON A FRIDAY NIGHT, worrying that I may not be able to wake up the next day. That dedication though :') Also, it's because it was my first time trekking to Mac Ritchie if I'm not wrong. So yeah, I think I woke up at 7.30 and the weather looks like it was going to rain - it did when we were on our way there but #YOLO.

We had trouble navigating our way to the park because despite Faizah's second time here, she went there by taxi and I told her that I am not going take the taxi HAHA. (Anything but taxi, unless last resort) Walked under the drizzling rain and finally we found the bus stop. Had some mini Faizah-bimbo moment and it was so hilarious xD What's new right HAHAHA. She was so confident that the rain stopped and shouted "Wah! Passing cloud ah wak!" And there I was, looking at her with a confused look because it was still drizzling in front and I pointed up, "Wak, we're under a tree........." HAHAHAHAHAHA. Please tell me it's hilarious.

After that bimbo moment, we finally board the bus and......

Hello Mac Ritchie!!! (Please be nice to us) (sorry no pictures)

We were praying for the rain to not get any heavier because the weather was perfect despite the drizzling and.....God answered our prayers :')

We managed to trek all the way to the Tree Top!! Which is mainly the point of trekking that day HAHA. I think the Tree Top was our motivation. I mean, look at this!

I was shaking like cray but in case you don't know, I'm actually afraid of heights though it is not that extreme. The thought of walking at the suspended (?) bridge gives me goosebumps and I had to tell myself to not look down T_T
And yeah, the sky got a lil bit darker but once again, thank God there was no lighting or else, we're stuck xD

It was a smooth hike besides the rocky hills, wet grounds = soiling our shoes and track pants, getting lost on our way back because we decided to follow the road :')))) Guys, please, please do not follow the road and just stick to the trek pathway that was made to follow :')) Or else, yguys will end up in the middle of rows of terraces that is no where near the park :') We were so confident that it will lead us back to the park but to no avail.....like a fool, we had no choice but to board the bus :')))))) oh and also, please bring along your wallets in case emergencies like this occur :')))

All in all, it was worth waking up early and also worth the aches. Because.......

A very great workout indeed! I IZ HAPPY :-)

Btw, out with the old skin,

in with the new!!

A lot brighter, fresher, cleaner (?) and....Kyu! Lol. It's still under construction though, I will edit the codes again when I feel like to heh but for now, I like it :)

T O M O R R O W IS M O N D A Y :(((((((

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Don't stop till its over
written on Friday, October 21, 2016 @ 11:57 PM ✈

The last time I visited this blog was during Summer and I even have a post saved as draft but nah, I guess I won't be continuing the post since it's been months already. I know....it's been 5 months since I posted and these lack of motivations are not helping me at all :(

Anyway, just a quick update, I'm already at my last sem for Year 1. I'm glad that for this Fall semester, I am able to find time to breathe compared to Summer sem. The latter was hell T_T

People often ask me, "How's uni life? Anything interesting?"

Well, to be honest, uni life is rather normal I guess? Just like your typical go-to-school-hang-out-with-friends-go-home-do-work-sleep cycle. So yeah, I guess there's nothing interesting except that 1) I met a Mark lookalike a few months ago HE LOOKS LIKE A CARBON COPY OF GOT7'S MARK TUAN YI EN - Rin can confirm this too because she bumped into him last week. 2) Koreans are everywhere in my school :----)

I'm pretty much well adapted to the "uni life" already and its a miracle that I'm able to wake up at 645 every morning for classes (okay fine I did oversleep at times especially Monday omg it really feels so difficult to wake up on Monday morning?)

Another thing (besides waking up early on Monday morning) that is tough for me right now is hmmm, sometimes, yknow that feeling where you feel like you're a burden to the family? Yeah. Even though they said I'm not, but you just.....feel it. Yknow? Oh well, nothing in life is easy right? As long as I keep my heads up, make my family and grandfather proud of me and never forget the things they've sacrifice for me, matters the most :)

Okay the most important question right now:
To do my field work notes or continue with Scarlet Heart?

#nowplaying // BTS - Lost

P.S.: Looks like most of my future entries will be talking about uni life lol 
P.S.P.S.: I miss Korea :(
P.S.P.S.P.S.: Changed my music player after centuries ^_^

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written on Thursday, May 12, 2016 @ 8:27 AM ✈

Spring's out which means......

FANGIRL MODE: ACTIVATED TO THE MAXIMUM LEVEL. Hahahaha. And also, back to my original form - Sleeping Queen :P

Anyway, Alhamdullilah my papers were manageable and I'm REALLY glad we scored a good grade for our report :') I think it's probably my first time getting an A- for a research paper haha.

Time to catch up on soooo.manyyyy.stuffsssss and probably blog about my Tioman Trip(!) - that is....if I have the motivation to even start :P We shall see then!

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What hell week's like
written on Sunday, March 13, 2016 @ 7:30 PM ✈

I've been wanting to blog since a long time ago but guess who's too busy to even visit blogger :'(

And FINALLY, after 1 month 2 weeks of school, I have some time to actually blog!!

Anyway, first and foremost, I am SO SO glad hell week is over for now - I can finally take a breather aka watch my boys and drama! ^^

It was quite an overwhelming week last week and all of us were on the verge of giving up especially when we had tests after tests and essays to submit. Plus, it's been sooooo long since I wrote an essay so you can imagine how bad my essay was before peer review D: I think cause I'm so used with blogging that my essay seems more like a blog entry rather than an essay. Sigh. It was quite demoralizing though but oh well, at least I learned from my mistake? I guess

Math test was do-able. I REALLY HOPE I get good marks because I spend the whole day mugging Math at NUS with Fik (yeap, met her for lunch and #feelingfeelingNUSstudent hehe) So pleaseeeeeee my hard work needs to be paid off T_T

I think currently, my weakest subject is probably Philosophy because I understand nuts about that module. My classmates are all so vocal and being me, I could only afford to listen to their discussion and sometimes contribute but it's nothing compared to theirs? Urgh stressssss?

My ONLY motivation right now is the summer international program. I CAN DO THIS. No. I MUST DO THIS.

Oh and I'm still friends with my OG :) I mean, most of the groups from orientation no longer hang out with each other ever since camp and I am thankful we still meet up for lunch etc. As for who I always study with, I have a few mugging friends who would mug with me till late at night in school :) So so thankful haha.

Okay, I have to draft out my second essay for tomorrow so here's a short update! I really have no idea when I will update again - especially on Exoluxion SG and UBFOC which I doubt I will so yeah ><

<---- me during hell week HAHA

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Trash for you
written on Saturday, February 13, 2016 @ 11:55 PM ✈

Guys....I'm writing this random entry down because I HAD ENOUGH OF THIS. I NEED TO LET IT ALL OUT.

I am a legit trash for Jeon freaking Jungkook T_____T

I mean yes before this I like him too but this time....idk...the feeling is more overwhelming?!?!



That INEEDTOTAKEAREOFYOUKOOKIE feels he gives me because precious kid

but at the same time


Oh...that thing he does with his eyebrows...



And don't forget

his freaking GUNS.....O-<-<

Sorry noona didn't like you that much before but no worries because now.....



P.S.: Mostly are old gifs from laptop because don't wanna kill myself by finding new gifs D:



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written on Wednesday, February 10, 2016 @ 5:35 PM ✈

I've been thinking if I should post my #EXOLUXIONSG experience because it's been nothing but a mess. But since I have my pre-concert post saved as draft, I guess I should just post it huh? As for the concert day itself....I'll think about it..

8th January 2016

While anxiously waiting for the boys' arrival - with the constant checking of their flight details, I found myself listening to their album on repeat and...well...colouring (though it didn't really help calming myself down)

I had to give up in the end because it was already 3am and I told myself whats the point of going down to fetch them when they exited through CIP. Sigh. It's okay...I'll still see them...


Asy and I agreed to meet the day after to hang out outside the stadium to catch their rehearsals and the concert itself. Obviously, we didn't go for both days because going for a day already burnt a huge hole in my wallet, what more two days! I'm really amazed at my twitter mutuals who are a lot younger than me and could afford to go for both days. Sigh. But still, I'm fine with the free concert outside stadium so why not xD

We were pretty late and I can't believe I actually set my alarm at 10 PM -____- No wonder I didn't hear any alarm when I was sleeping and only managed to wake up at noon. Asy...mianhae :(

As soon as we arrived, we were in shock to see how there weren't many people at the stadium. Last time during TLPSG, there were fans scattered E V E R Y W H E R E - queuing up for merch, freebies and moshpit.

Still in disbelief, we walked around and found ourselves waiting for EXO(?) at the drop off area. The weather was scorching and I couldn't keep still so I stood among the fans who were standing near the barricade while Asy sat down and made friends with one of the fan.

That was when Asy called my name and asked me if I want to be interviewed with her by this group of teens(?) from poly(?) for their assignment but I was like "No way" hahahaha. Sorry la I is shy. So in the end...

It's her time to shine xD

The clock was ticking and since we know that EXO were already in the stadium (though we wanted to try our luck at first cause you never know if they decided to pass by the corridor or decided to take a break outside :P) we decided to wait outside the stadium entrance.

Happy feet at the thought of free concert outside stadium =D

If you think we are the only one who does this stuff, well, you are totally wrong.

We were not alone!

Found a spot to sit down and after settling ourselves in front of the entrance of the stadium - check twitter, prepares live stream link; we're all ready (to be slayed by exo :P) ! Despite not being in the concert itself, we could still feel the energy so we were extremely excited! I mean, we're less than a meter away from EXO and the silver ocean guys!!

And once we heard screams from the inside, we knew that it was about to start! It wasn't THAT clear but we could still hear the beat of the songs, EXOs' muffled voices as well as screaming from fans. The only thing that was extra loud and clear were the fireworks xD

Asy and I were busy live streaming the audio but I gave up in the end cause it lagged behind and the connection went off sometime so I decided to not stream and try my very best to hear what's playing. Whenever we heard songs that we are sure of, we fanchant along but it seemed like we were the only ones outside doing that xD #thethingswedotogether

As time passed by, there were fewer fans around our area and it took us until the last song to realise that the fans actually went to the other side of the stadium - a long stretch of glass wall covered with blinds which apparently block our view to see the inside of the stadium. Sigh....it's okay. Now that we know that spot is the best, we'll come there for future "free" concert :P

By the time the concert ended, everyone started running towards the drop off area and that was our cue to run too. The securities were like "Don't take videos of them ok!" and we were like "Kk" but still held up our phones whenever we thought the boys were coming out. Hah ader aku kesah. 

One by one the boys came out but we had a hard time figuring out who's who because they really covered themselves up. Tsk. But its okay, at least some of them waved especially our sweet angel, Zhang Yixing T_T

Most of the time, the security guards and crews annoyed the crap out of us. THEY ARE SO FREAKING EXTRA URGH. WHY ARE SG SECURITY GUARDS AND CREWS ARE SO FREAKING ANNOYING. The crews knew that we stood there because we wanted to see the boys but there they were, JUST BECAUSE THEY HAVE THE PRIVILEGE TO SEE THE BOYS CLOSE, blocked our freaking view and acted like as if nothing happened. BAWBCOIBVEICURSES. Kau bodoh ke bodoh.

(won't upload all cause annoying crews blocked our view tsk)
We didn't even have time to eat our packed lunner so after the fiasco, we went to find a place to eat.

Guess who brought her Rilakkuma headbands!

It was already dark outside and since we have alot of preps to do, we straightaway headed home!

Practiced fanchants, on notifications to collect freebies and did fanboards for our oppars! I even brought my art materials for our fanboard ok. The amount of efforts we put in......


No worries Luhan you're still with me :')

P.S.: HAPPY 1MONTH SINCE #EXOLUXIONSG GUYS P.S.S.: Go to my "sunshines" link if you have yet to do so cause there's something waiting for you there hehe


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Oh it's already Feb?
written on @ 4:30 PM ✈

3rd week of uni life and the only thing I'm dreading is the long journey to school but other than that, I guess I'm coping well. 

It's quite similar to poly, where you have to attend lecture and tutorials but the difference is that you have to do your own revision once you reach home or you'll tend to get lost the next lecture ><

Out of all modules (Sociology, Math, English and Philosophy), the most chim one is Philosophy. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO QUESTION ALMOST EVERY SINGLE THING YOU SEE. Tsk. And my classmates have so many questions to ask the prof while I, on the other hand could only go "Wow why didn't I think of that" -.-

Anyway, as for who-I-hang-out-with in uni, I have my camp mates so we always hang out together during lunch or free time. Thankful for them because if not I'll probably be a loner in school hahahais. So guys, if you have Orientation Camp in school, make sure you go for it because that's when you get to know who you're going to hang out with for the rest of your uni life xD Well, for my case uh.

I'm supposed to study during the long Chinese New Year break but guess who's down with fever D: My parents were like "Bile nak dekat exam je mesti demam tau. Dari O levels, poly sampai sekarang." "When its time for exams, you always fall sick huh." Hais, exam fever la tu.

Okay I'm out.

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